Chapter 10- "A Gift For The Champion"

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The boat begins to slowly pull into the harbor of Dewford Town. "Shup!" Shuppet squeals excitedly. I laugh and hug her. I had released Shuppet from her Pokeball to experience this.

I look down to the package given to me by Akira. What is this? I shake it back and forth next to my hear. What comes out, I've come to precieve as loud rustling. It must be something small and loose. 

But then my mind turns to Runner. I wonder why someone spotted his Father in Mauville. Why was his Father even in Mauville City? What could have him there? Then I remember something Akira said. How Runner's Father's best friend as a child was a man named Maxie. Runner also told me how a man named Maxie called his house and he gave the phone to his Father. Then his Father left after talking on the phone with Maxie. Could Maxie have something to do with this?

Breaking me from my thought, I feel a slight nudge, lightly shoving me forward. I look around and see people are un-boarding the ferry and Shuppet had nudged me to the stairs leading off the ship. I laugh, return Shuppet to her Pokeball and step off of the ferry.

I am met with soft sand at my shoes and soothing heat from the sun with a light breeze from the small waving sea. I take off my shoes. Exposing my feet to the warm, smooth sand, I start to wiggle my toes as I take a deep breath. 

I stand there for what felt like an hour. But then I remember the package. I gotta deliver it to Steven. But I don't know where he is. Crap. I need directions. I look around and scan my options. I could ask someone on the beach. No, they probably wouldn't know. The Pokemon Center is probably my best option. 

I unsteadily try to get my shoes back on as I race to the Pokemon Center. I find Nurse Joy and immediately ask her, "Hi. I'm looking for Steven. I was told he was in Dewford. I need to deliver this to him." 

"Oh yes. He came by not too long ago. He told me he was going to Granite Cave just outside of town. Said he wanted to train his Pokemon."

"Thank you." I dart out of there and run to the North Side of town. But something catches my eye. I pause and look. There is a large building with a painted Pokeball above the door and a sign below aforementioned Pokeball says "Dewford Gym". I hesitantly reach for Shuppet's Pokeball, then I stop. "No," I whisper under my breath. I got to deliver the package. 

I find myself outside the entrance to Granite Cave. I swallow, and walk in. Now, the I just need to find the Champion then we should be good. 

Then something catches my ear. "Yeah, I just saw the Champion walk by." I look to my right and there are two hikers having a conversation. One hiker points to the end of the cave and tells his companion. "He went down there with his Skarmory, or whatever." I stare to where he's pointing and see a light at the end of the cave. Steven is just over there. 

I begin running towards the light. I freeze when I hear a light pitter-patter behind me. I spin around and see nothing there. I cautiously return to my path. Then there is another patter. I pause and grab Shuppet's Pokeball. Then I quivver with fear as I feel a brush along my leg. By that moment, I couldn't hold it in. I scream. I toss out Shuppet's Pokeball and my Pokemon is released. "COME OUT!" I yell at whatever's there.

I see there is a small shadow from a small cluster of rocks. There is a small blue shining light from the group. Then the Shadow moves as it gets closer and closer. "Get ready Shuppet." Then I finally see it. It had dark skin and what appeared to be Crystal eyes. It's roughly child sized, with huge heads and powerful clawed arms on relatively stunted bodies, fan-like ears and massive, brightly shining round eyes. It held it's arms up when it walked as though wading through water and constantly swayed it's hips in a silent rhythm. It's lips spread from ear to ear, displaying white, sharp teeth. On it's chest, a red stone. Appears to be a Ruby. 

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