Chapter 19- "A Short and Stormy Night"

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An unwelcome rain soon occurred after the battle between Terry and I. Clouds rolled in out of nowhere and the rain fell like bullets without warning. Runner and I ran off to Mauville, leaving Terry and the Tailow boy completely incredulous of their loss. 

Banette wasn't trudging to far behind us, but she was still struggling to keep up. I stop in my tracks and tell Runner I'll catch up with him. He nodded and splashed through the puddles in his path on his way to the Pokemon Center. 

I kneel over to my newly-evolved Pokemon and try to stop the rain from hitting her while trying to find her Pokeball. Banette also lifted her arms above her head. She cringes when a few rain drops manage to hit her. "Ba-Banette!" 

Banette has always been afraid of rain and storms. Ever since I was a child and when she was still a Shuppet, she's been afraid. As a matter of fact, we first met because of the rain.


One night, a long time ago, a vicious and cruel storm was raining fire down on our house. I was cowering under the covers, frantically waiting for the storm to pass over. The rainfall kept tapping at my window, the thunder kept cracking, and the wind kept roaring. A large boom of thunder swirled outside, shaking my whole house. I was so stunned that I screamed. My parents never even bothered to check on me. 

As I said, I was groveling with the covers over my head. But I eventually heard a thud from inside my room. I blew it off as another uproar of thunder. But then it came again. I noticed the thud was not coming from outside. With trembling hands, I slightly put the covers down, only allowing my eyes to be free. I browsed my room, looking for the slightest of signs. But it was too dark to see anything. 

Then, at that moment, a flash of lighting bursts in the night sky and illuminated my bedroom. In the corner, the light pointed out a small dark figure trembling in the corner. The light soon faded back into the storm. 

I quietly got up from my bed and tip-toed to the corner where I saw the mysterious figure. Little did I know that that dark bod would have so much significance to my future. 

In that same corner was a nightstand that held a lamp. Only inches from the figure, I turned the lamp on. What I saw was a dark, shadowy, puppet-like figure quivering in fear. Another bolt of thunder clapped. The figure yelped and deepened itself in the corner. "He-hello?" I faintly said.

The figure turned around revealing a frightened face with yellow eyes. "Hello," I said once more. "You must be a Pokemon. I've never seen one so close before." I took a couple steps forward. The Pokemon winced and flew to the other side of the room. "Oh...oh, I'm sorry." I said. I cautiously took to more steps in the direction the Pokemon went. "I didn't mean to frighten you." The Pokemon hid itself in the corner once more.  "I'm Dream," I told it. "What's your name?" 

The Pokemon turned back around, less tense than before. "I know you're scared of the thunder," mentioned I. "I am too. It makes me feel alone, unprotected." The Pokemon was hesitant at first, but began to float up and face me at eye-level. What was once a face of fear, angst, and fright turned to a face of sorrow, understanding, and remorse. "I bet you probably feel the same way, too," I told it while looking at my toes. "But don't worry," I continued looking back up. "I'll be with you. If you tell me your name, I can be your'll be the first friend I had..." 

The Pokemon soon said, "Shup-Shuppet." 

"So your name is Shuppet?"

The Pokemon nodded. "Great!" exclaimed I. "You can be my friend!" I then pointed to my bed. "You can sleep there with me until the storm passes over. But you can't stay here all the time. My parents hate Pokemon for some reason. But you can stay here for now." The Pokemon quietly floated to the bed when another crack of thunder sounded. It burst into the sheets and quivvered in fear. I slightly laughed and turned off the lamp, not realizing the strength of my first true friend.

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