Chapter 7- "A Few Accomplishments, Stories, and Tears"

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After I had introduced myself to Akira, he leads Runner into the dining room where they could have a discussion in private, leaving Gia, Mia and I alone in the living room. I help myself to a seat in a red velvet chair. As soon as I sit, I am immeadiatley am sunken into the soft cushions. It was as soft as snow and nearly fell asleep. Now I know how Goldilocks felt when she came across the house that belonged to the three Ursaring. Sitting in this chair was, how she put it, "just right." 

I nearly dozed off, until I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I peer to my right and see Mia looking straight at me. "Is that your Shuppet?" she asks quietly, pointing to Shuppet floating above my head.

I nod. "Mhm." 

"It's strong." 

"Thank you," I reply leaning forward. "She is quite strong." 

"How come it isn't in it's Pokeball like all the other Pokemon." I take a look at Shuppet, then back to Mia. 

"Sometimes, Shuppet goes into it's Pokeball, but not too often. I only caught her not too long ago, but we have been friends since I was a child."

Mia puts her lips to her chin and ponders. "How come you haven't caught Shuppet before?" My mind immeaditley flashes back to my Father and the Pokeball. I jolt up from the chair and stumble away. I find myself leaning up against the wall, slowly sliding down, and quietly sobbing into my palms. Was this a good idea? Was this a good idea? That's the only thought that keeps going through my mind, over and over again. Was this a good idea? Was this a good idea? I lift my head from my hands, staring into oblivion. Of course it was...if I didn't leave...I would be-be beaten. This was a good idea. 

I feel a little nudge on my shoulder. I look over and see Shuppet floating there with caring eyes. She can tell what I'm thinking and I can tell what she's thinking. This was a good idea. 

But then I watch Shuppet float towards her Pokeball. She rolls it towards me, and slightly nudges it, then looks up at me. " want to go into your Pokeball?" I ask her. She nods. "Are you sure?" She nods again. I pick up the Pokeball and aim it at Shuppet. It opens and a bright flash bursts, revealing that Shuppet has gone inside her Pokeball. I stare at the capsule for a few seconds. Shuppet has just gone inside her Pokeball...why? 

"I'm so glad you could come," I here a voice say from the distance. It was Akira's. I turn the corner and hid behind a nearby wall. I pick inside the room and see Akira and Runner in the dining room, drinking some tea. "It's been a long time since I have seen my nephew. Last time I saw you, I think you were only a few months ol-"

"Listen, Uncle Akira-" Runner says, interrupring his Uncle. "I'm sure you know why I came here. And I'm sure you know what happened last week. I came with questions, you give me answers." 

I hear a sigh come from Akira. "You're right," he says. "You've been through a lot. The least I could do is give you that. So, what are your questions?" 

"My father left me after we recieved a strange phone call. And he left without the slightest reason."

"Who was the one who made the call?" Akira urgently asks. 

"He called himself Maxie. Do you know who he was?"

There's a long moment of silence, all that can be heard was the breathing of those in the other room, and the faint noises of Gia and Mia watching their cartoons from upstairs. Mia had darted up those steps after I jolted away. "Maxie was your Father's best friend growing up," Akira states. "They both shared a common interest in Ancient Fables of Hoenn. They studied Ancient Legends of great Pokemon who formed and roamed the Earth. All though my brother couldn't see it, I saw that this Max had a dark soul. I could tell his priorities were not for the greater good. I remember one day, Ryan, your father, when he was about fifteen, went out to hang with Maxie. But that night came home, with dirt covering his face and clothing torn to shreds. We asked him what had happened but he just darted upstairs on locked himself in his bedroom. Even to this day, I have no idea what happened that night."

"The friendship between Maxie and Ryan ended when your Father met your Mother, Peg, a few years after college. I didn't know exactly what happened, but from what I could tell, their friendship just began to fade away. Your father told me he was going to be the best man at the wedding, but he had not shown up, and I had taken the spot last minute. Then you were born, a few years later. But sadly, a Pokemon claimed your Mother's life, correct?" I can only assume Runner is nodding with light tears in his eyes. "Runner...did you ever know the whole story of your Mother's death?"

With a shaky and cracked voice, Runner replies, "No. But I want to know." 

I hear a breath come from Akira. "Your Mother was jogging on a trail in the forest one day to get a little exercise while your father took care of you back home. Until, out of the blue, an Arcanine burst from the bushes and pounced on top of her. She screamed for help, and a man heard. He came running for her but when he arrived, the Arcanine saw him and blasted fire at him. It burned his left leg severely and he dropped to the ground." Severe burn in the leg? No. It couldn't be. "And then the Arcanine proceeded to burn your Mother...I'm sorry Runner." The man got a burn in the leg? It couldn't be. 

At this point I barge into the room and say, "How long ago was that?" The stunned Akira just stares at me. "How many years ago was that?" 

Akira replies, "Maybe 17 years ago." That was when my Father got burned in the leg. I stumble back. 

"Dream?" Runner says, walking towards me. "What's wrong?" 

"Tha-that was when my Father got burned. He has a severe scorch on his leg." That's why he hates Pokemon...he saw one kill an innocent woman. "He must have been the same one in the story." I feel Runner comforting me by patting my shoulder. "He-he never told me..." 

"Do you wanna talk to him?" Runner asks.

I wipe away my tears and whisper, "No. I'm never going back there again." Runner still doesn't know about my parents and their horrible ways. 

"Maybe there's something we can do to get our minds off it."

I sit there, what was a moment of silence felt like hours upon hours of inner torture. "...The Gym," I manage to utter through my lips. "That'll get my mind off it." 


Hey guys. Yeah, I know. This was a really bad chapter. Everything was sloppy and all over the place. I threw too many things at you at once and it ended pretty abruptly. I'm sorry. I'm positive it'll get better. The Gym Battle next chapter will surely make up for it...

Anyway, don't forget to Vote or don't Vote (because this wasn't that good of a Chapter), Comment, and Share!

Thank you for reading, bye!

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