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"Why do we need to go?" Ivan , India's oldest brother asked Cylus

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"Why do we need to go?" Ivan , India's oldest brother asked Cylus.

"We're a family that's fucking why" Cylus spat fixing his tie.

"Is India even ready?" Issac her second oldest brother asked looking around.

"Yes I am sorry" India scurried out her room.

India made sure to wear something that hid the healing bruises on her body.

"We all look presentable" Nehemiah looked at everybody.

"Nehemiah pull some disrespectful shit again like you did at the ball and you won't make it to the wedding" Cylus grabbed him up.

"I understand" Nehemiah said frightened.

Cylus let him go and everybody looked off.

"Let's go" Cylus said walking out the door to the car.

"Where's Jake?" India asked getting into the limo seeing a new driver.

"Sick" Cylus short answered India nodded not wanting to question him further.


They all pulled up to Aniyah and Roberts mansion and looked in awe.

Their home was big but not as big as theirs.

"Get out the damn car" Cylus raised his voice everybody hopped out the car and walked to the door.

Cylus rang the door bell and everybody put on a fake smile except India.

Hers was real since being around Dayvon's family was something she enjoyed already.

Aniyah opened the door and smiled at everybody.

"Hello nice meeting you all" Aniyah spoke shaking all their hands.

"India hey baby" She pulled her into a hug.

"Hi Aniyah you look nice" India complimented.

"Thank you , you do too everybody come in" Aniyah invited them in.

"The dining room is straight ahead"

Everybody walked to the dining room and their sat the rest of the family.

"Hi Dayvon" India smiled hugging him.

"Hi Robert" India waved he sent her a head nod and focused his attention back onto his daughter.

Everybody sat down and Dayvon pulled India chair out for her.

"Thank you"

He nodded and sat down next to her.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to our future sister in law?" A brownskin asked drinking some wine.

"This is India and her brother's, and these are the two daughters Nyema and Kayla" Robert introduced.

𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐆𝐄 |𝐊.𝐕.| DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now