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India stood there in shock staring at her mother, the lady she believed was dead

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India stood there in shock staring at her mother, the lady she believed was dead.

"Hi baby" Nicole smiled at India she tried to bring her into a hug but India stepped back.

"You were dead last night now you alive?" India asked more to herself.

"India let her explain" Issac told her scooting over so she could sit down.

"Explain , i'm listening" India told her.

"Well when you were 7 me and your father got into some bad things and these people came after us, instead of killing me and your father I let them kill me for the both of us. I knew you guys would be in good hands with your father" Nicole smiled.

India squinted her eyes, something was off about this whole thing.

"Ok, nice having you home" India fake smiled walking to her room.

"It's something off about her" She mumbled locking her door.


"India, do you want red bottoms to wear with your wedding dress?" Aniyah asked her.

They were dress and shoe shopping for the wedding.

"It doesn't matter to me, as long as it looks good" India drank some water.

She heard the door open to the dress shop and she saw Kayla and Nyema walk in.

"Why are they here?" India asked Aniyah who was looking at vails.

"They're your bridesmaids, if you don't want them to be that's totally fine"

"I'm sorry but I don't want Kayla to be one Nyema is fine" India told her.

It was her wedding even though it was forced she didn't like how Aniyah tried to make her daughter her bridesmaid without her knowing.

Especially knowing Kayla didn't like her.

"Sorry Kayla you can't be a bridesmaid " Aniyah sent Kayla a look of sorrow.

"And why can't I? It's Dayvon wedding" Kayla rolled her neck.

"India doesn't want you to, besides I shouldn't have made you a bridesmaid without telling her"

"So we can't be in your wedding now?" Nyema crossed her arms at India.

"You can she can't" India answered Nyema smiled.

"Girl thank god because I told everybody about this" Nyema laughed.

"So mama you just letting her kick me out the wedding? Why?" Kayla pouted.

"All you do is disrespect this girl i'm ashamed I told you, you can be in the wedding anyways" Aniyah shook her head.

𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐆𝐄 |𝐊.𝐕.| DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now