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Dayvon looked at the guards who let Cylus walk into his house and attack India

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Dayvon looked at the guards who let Cylus walk into his house and attack India.

"I-i'm sorry" One cried out coughing up blood Dayvon sucked his teeth and grabbed another knife.

He craved something into his chest and listened to him scream in pain he ignored his pleas and looked over at the other guard.

"What you gotta say?" Dayvon looked at him , his head hung low he has got beat the worse since he told all the guards they could take a break.

Dayvon grabbed his hair and pulled his head up , his lips was busted , his eye was swollen shut the cuts all over his face was leaking blood.

All the pain made him go numb "I asked you a question" Dayvon yanked his head harder.

"N-nothing I-i" He cut himself off seeing Dayvon with a gun in his hand.

"Pick a number 1-10"



Dayvon shot the first guard 6 times all over his body he watched as his body fell limp and looked over at the other guard.

"Any last words?" He smirked grabbing a different gun , he watched as the guard shake in the chair.

He shook his head and Von cocked the gun back and shot him twice in the knees, twice in the shoulder , he dropped the gun and grabbed a knife he walked up and slit his throat.

Dayvon walked out the room and signaled for the clean up crew to come and get the bodies.

"I gotta go mama" Dayvon told her seeing her standing at the basement door "Why you got here 15 minutes ago"

"I gotta take India shopping then we coming over for dinner" He told her wiping her hands she nodded her head and hugged him.

"Tell my daughter I said hi" Von nodded and walked out the basement ignoring Kayla and Nyema.

They pissed him off since they both had something to say about India, Dayvon understood Kayla since she was normally a bitch but he didn't get Nyema.

Regardless he wasn't about to let them affect how he felt about India.


"Dayvon I don't think I look good in this" India walked out the dressing room looking at her outfit.

"Ain't saw you in a minute" India heard her brother Issac say she turned around and saw all of her brothers standing there.

"I wonder why" India mumbled ignoring their stares.

"You moved out why else?" Nehemiah scoffed India sucked her teeth they knew why she moved out.

"Y'all niggas know why she moved out don't come over here acting tough" Von mugged them.

He didn't like how they all acted like India was selfish but it was them they never helped her what she got beat on which caused her to move out.

"You be jumping into shit this a family situation" Jake shook his head mugging Dayvon.

Nobody ever knew why he didn't like Dayvon ever since India came back from the ball he hated Dayvon.

"A family situation? Y'all not her family y'all let her get beat on y'all not family y'all some bitches" Dayvon chuckled.

"Dayvon it's fine we can leave let me change" India mumbled walking back into the dressing room.

"You don't know shit about what was going on" Issac looked him up and down.

"All I know is y'all some bitches"

India walked out the dressing room and grabbed Dayvon's hand she led him out the store and walked out the mall.

"You know you don't have to argue with them all the time right?" India asked him.

"You right, but stop letting em talk to you any kinda way and stop letting them make the situation feel like it's your fault"

"I know it's not my fault but sometimes it feels that way" India got inside the car Dayvon got in next.

"It's not, we going to my parents house for dinner if Nyema or Kayla make you feel uncomfortable let me know"

Dayvon knew how bad her life was and all he wanted to do was fill it with nothing but good things.

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