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"Im nervous" India said to Lilliana, tonight Dayvon was taking her out on a date

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"Im nervous" India said to Lilliana, tonight Dayvon was taking her out on a date.

It would be their first official date and she was terrified.

She was scared something might happen to her, or him.

She really just wanted them to have a good date, it would be her first real one.

She hoped nothing went wrong.

"Why? Dayvon won't let anything happen to you" Lilliana said truthfully.

"I know but you know nothing ever goes right" India bit her lip nervously.

"I promise you it's going to be perfect now let's get you ready"


"You look gorgeous love" Lilliana smiled brightly looking at India.

Dayvon told her they were going out to dinner at this new restaurant that just opened.

"Thank you, did he say when he was coming?" India asked her.

"He should be pulling up now" Lilliana looked out the window seeing his truck pull up.

India felt her stomach drop thinking about it, she felt like backing out last minute.

"Calm down and breathe" Lilliana laughed at her.

"Ok i'm fine let's go"

Lilliana opened the door and Dayvon sat outside the truck waiting for India.

"I'll see you later Lilliana thank you" India hugged her walking down the stairs.

"You look good" Dayvon said as India approached him.

"Thank you, i'm nervous though" India mumbled.

"Don't be come on" He helped her in.

He closed the door behind her and got in the driver seat.

India nervously tapped her heels against the floor.

Dayvon laughed pulling off.


"It's so gorgeous here" India looked around the restaurant.

It was a dimmed setting, something India was happy about.

"Can I start you guys off with drinks?" The waitress asked pulling out her note pad.

𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐆𝐄 |𝐊.𝐕.| DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now