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"What you wanna know?" Dayvon asked India who was eating wendy's

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"What you wanna know?" Dayvon asked India who was eating wendy's.

"Why don't you get along with your sisters?" India noticed their relationship and found it sad in a way.

"Nah it ain't Nyema it's Makayla her ass be on weird shit" Dayvon ate his frosty.

"She's very mean"India shook her head closing the bag.

"Yeah I know she only like that towards girls I bring around"

"That's weird" India twisted her lips to the side.

"Are they your only siblings or there's someone else?"

"Nah I got a little brother his name Durk, he on my daddy side he cheated on my mama 2 years after she had me and had Durk" Dayvon told her pulling up to his gated house.

"I wouldn't see your father as the cheating type" India shrugged.

"He ain't a cheater no more my mama whooped his ass he still got the scars from when it happened" Dayvon chuckled.

He sent a head nod to his security and he opened the gate.

"This is beautiful" India smiled as they parked.

"I'm glad you like it come on" Von helped her out the car they walked inside the house and there were maids scurrying around.

"You better not drop that" The head Maid Lilliana shouted to the little boy who was holding a glass plate.

"Lilliana what's going on?" Dayvon startled her.

"We were trying to get the house cleaned in time for the girl you were bringing" Lilliana rambled not even seeing India hiding behind Dayvon.

Dayvon stepped over and Lilliana shut up seeing her.

"Oh my" She fanned herself "The house still looks a wreck drive around for me" Lilliana smiled.

"The house is fine you don't have to keep cleaning" India assured her.

"You should get some rest you look tired" India said to her hanging her coat up.

"It's only 8 I can't stop working until 11" Lilliana said.

"Dayvon do you mind if your head maid goes to sleep early? She looks overworked"

"No I don't goodnight Lilliana" Dayvon said grabbing India's hand.

Usually Dayvon would say no but hr didn't want to disappoint India so he agreed.

"I don't do that for people you lucky" Dayvon said as they walked to his room.

The decor was black and dark blue.

"Why is your room so dark?" India asked him looking around.

"I like dark colors" Dayvon answered as India looked at herself in the bathroom mirror.

𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐆𝐄 |𝐊.𝐕.| DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now