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"Dayvon your mother said you can't move that much" India frowned as he kept trying to move he was healing but not as fast as he wanted

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"Dayvon your mother said you can't move that much" India frowned as he kept trying to move he was healing but not as fast as he wanted.

"India man move" He tried to sit up again she pushed him down and laid on top of him India felt his hands slide down to her ass.

"Can you stop moving please I don't want you hurting more then you already are" India rubbed his ear.

"I'm not used to this shit I got shit to handle" Dayvon rubbed her back she sighed knowing he was right.

"I get that but you're hurt you have to heal that's all I want you to do" India playing with his dreads.

Dayvon huffed "Ight India" He finally said she smiled and kissed all over his face.

"When do I have to move in with you?" India asked things at home were getting worse , she didn't want to be there anymore she wanted to be with Dayvon he made her feel safe.

"Soon or sooner why?" He asked sitting up, she stayed silent deciding if she wanted to tell him.

"Don't keep no secrets tell me so I can fix it" Dayvon told her she nodded and rolled off of him onto her side of the bed.

"You so childish why didn't you just get up?" He laughed she giggled a little and cleared her throat.

"At home the beatings had gotten worse I thought with my mother being back it would get better or just a little but it didn't he's been angrier"

"Why you ain't tell me sooner? you know I wouldn't leave you in no fucked up situation like that" Dayvon pulled her closer to him.

"You had your own problems you just got shot I didn't want this to make it worse for you, you needed to heal and my problems would've stressed you more" India smiled weakly.

She was tired of have fake smiles she wanted to be happy she wanted to get away from her toxic  household.

"If you about to be my wife your problems is my problems" Dayvon rubbed her hand she scooted down on the bed and laid her head on his shoulder.

"About to be i'm not your wife yet" India corrected him, she found out from her father Dayvon could always back out the marriage.

"Yeah yeah i'm gone send some people over to get yo shit until then you staying with me" Dayvon yawned.

"I need to make friends, being here alone scares me especially with how big it is" India tied her hair up.

"We can find you some friends but let's go to sleep first"


"So you moving out my house ungrateful bitch" Cylus walked into Dayvon's house India looked outside trying to figure out how he got pass security.

"I can't keep staying there you're to abusive to your own kids" India exclaimed trying to stand her ground.

Cylus laughed bitterly and smacked India to the ground, she went to punch her until Lilliana came out the kitchen with a pan.

She hit him in the head two times knocking him out cold.

"India baby get up come on" She frowned helping her up off the ground India wiped her eyes and looked at her face in the mirror by the door.

"I have no clue how he got in here where the hell is the security?" Lilliana asked looking around.

"I'll call Dayvon" India walked off into another room she called him and he didn't answer she bit her lip anxiously calling him again.

He picked up and she sighed in relief "What's wrong Indi?"

"The security isn't here and my father came and it's only me and Lilliana here and I don't know what to do" India stressed rubbing her face.

"Here I come" Dayvon hung up India silently cried as the aching in her face grew she felt like there was no escaping her terrible father.

"India?" Lilliana called out for her she stood up and walked out the room Lilliana frowned seeing India face all red and bruised.

"Calm down it will be fine Dayvon will make sure you're ok don't worry about this security is on the way" Lilliana assured her.

"I'm scared he won't leave me alone" India wiped her eyes, she saw him moving again Lilliana sucked her teeth and hit him again.

"He might die but hey who cares" Lilliana dropped the pan on his back, India giggled a little.

"India go up to you guys room" India saw the security was there and more men she nodded her head and walked up the stairs.

She got to their room and walked inside she laid in the bed and felt her eyes get heavy she wasn't tired at first but her father made tired instantly.

India heard the door open she didn't even bother looking up she just went to sleep instead.


India opened her eyes hearing yelling, she got out of bed and slowly walked out the room.

"Where the fuck was y'all when he came and put his hands on her?" India heard Dayvon angrily yell.

"B-break" A guard stuttered Dayvon did a dark chuckle and pulled his gun out he shot him in his chest twice India jumped seeing his body drop.

"Damn twin" India heard another voice say she went out further and saw 4 dudes all standing in the front room.

"Call somebody to clean this shit up" Von said walking up the stairs India ran back to the room and jumped in the bed.

She heard the door open and she tried to slow her breathing down to make it seem like she was sleeping.

"India I know you not sleep" Dayvon laughed pulling the cover off of her she opened her eyes and smiled.

"Hi" She smiled ignoring the fact that he just killed somebody not even 2 minutes ago.

"You good?" He examined her face she nodded and he sat next to her "I didn't know he was gone come if I did you wouldn't have been here i'm sorry I let this shit happen to you"

"It's fine it's not your fault you were trying to help me, I appreciate you for that" India truthfully said.

"You still look good though ain't shit wrong with ya face"

"Don't lie to me" India side eyed him.

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