Kayden feels a little lost and detached, secretly recovering from an unexpected and painful betrayal. Julian feels a little trapped and suffocated by his parents and their mysterious paranoia.
Like two opposites, Kayde...
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The Berliner Philharmoniker
My dad wanted to talk to me. Every time he said that, it didn't turn out right. It was absolutely aggravating just trying to figure out what he was going to talk about. No, he isn't hiring a professional to read your texts, so relax.
"Have a seat, son," he said.
History was repeating itself, I lowered myself onto the seat—the couch opposite from his own.
His eyes fleeted to me, pinning me to the spot. If I wasn't thinking so much, I'd say there was remorse in them. "I'm sorry," he said.
"What?" I asked, not really believing what I'd just heard.
"I'm sorry," he repeated. "I was a little paranoid." It was more than that in my opinion. "It was wrong of me to have you followed." Yeah damn wrong. "You deserve your privacy and for that I'm sorry."
I had to remind myself that this wasn't a dream and I heard him right. My father looked at me a little bit waveringly and I couldn't help but feel the worry emanating from him. I nodded and forced the words out of my mouth, my tongue feeling heavy. "It's fine, dad."
"Really?" He asked and I was reminded that he loved me. Enough to seem scared I wasn't going to be able to forgive him.
"Yes, but only that part. I still won't forgive you if you think it's wrong for him to be around me because something like his skin tone is different from mine." I felt my hands tighten to fists all on their own, a million and one arguments right at the tip of my tongue, just waiting to explode.
"And I'm proud of you for saying that. But I honestly hoped you didn't make friends with him, I meant that part. I called him poor because I could tell...I had him followed because I had to make sure you were safe. None of it had anything to do with the colour of his skin."
Underneath my frustration and annoyance, was relief. "I only have two questions," I said and my dad nodded. He seemed eager to comply with anything I said, mostly to make amends, so this was my golden chance. He told me to go ahead and ask, so I did. "So what if he is 'poor'?"
"They always try to take advantage of you, one way or another," my dad replied with a far away look in his eyes like he'd seen this particular thing happen many times before. "That's why I believe our worlds should never mix."
"He's not like that!" I replied, my statement laced with more heat than I intended to insert. If I even intended to.
Dad only looked at me with mild surprise, indicated by the slight rise of his eyebrows like he wasn't expecting me to defend Kayden so ferociously. I wasn't either. "I'll take your word for it, for now," he replied. "And I'll promise you here, that I won't have you and him followed again. If you continue to be...er...friends, then eventually I have to meet him, I'll see for myself then, why you like him so much. Maybe you could invite him here."