Kayden feels a little lost and detached, secretly recovering from an unexpected and painful betrayal. Julian feels a little trapped and suffocated by his parents and their mysterious paranoia.
Like two opposites, Kayde...
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How To Escape Impending Doom, And Sometimes, Awkwardness
I guess I was right when I thought Kayden wouldn't want to hang out with me anymore. Things like this are always bound to happen. I knew it was a mistake the moment I encouraged him to kiss me. I knew that wouldn't end well, it was a low feeling in my gut that I pushed away simply because my desire for him had gone over the roof.
Most stupid thing I ever did.
More than a week, and no text, no call, nothing but an annoyingly deafening silence. A whole bunch of nothing. I felt disgusting. I shouldn't have liked it as much. I shouldn't have loved it. Maybe I should flush it out of my system, then try to repair what we had...but I couldn't just bring myself to make the first move in this situation that was very much caused by me.
The fact that Kayden hadn't reached out either just confirmed the fact that our relationship was in shambles and he didn't want to fix it. That wasn't fair because I wasn't reaching out either but I wanted things fixed as badly as possible.
I keep telling myself that I was creating something with Kayden that was rare, but I began to wonder if that whole thing was because deep down I was hoping I was going to kiss him one day.
I want to be friends with him, probably more than I've ever wanted anything in my life. But at that moment in his room, I wondered if that was the lie that I used to hide the truth, that I would be thrilled if more happened.
I couldn't tell what he was thinking the whole time as I was leaving because he wouldn't talk either. God, he probably hated me now. In fact, I was almost completely certain that he did.
I was thinking so much that I became unaware of my surroundings, and that's when I bumped into someone and pain shot up my nose. My hand immediately flew to my nose and squeezed like that would stop the pain. To be honest it made it better. With teary eyes, I made out Andre through the blur. "How is it that I can bump my nose against someone as short as you are?" I asked him.
Andre replied by saying, "Have you considered the fact that you are just as short?"
The look I gave Andre was my most practiced condescending look, at least I hope that's what it came across as. I folded my arms across my chest. "You wish," I said with a lot of forced contempt, refusing to listen to his reason and letting him win.
Andre tilted his head a little to the left like he had remembered something, then asked, "So what's the serious thing you want to talk to me about?"