Part one. Kate.

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June 1998

Hogwarts hospital ward

Knocking heels in the dark. The delicate smell of lilac. He managed to... He said everything... Why lilac? It blooms in June, and now it is still May.

- Professor Snape, can you hear me?

Darkness again. And again the smell of lilac wakes him - now he understood - these are perfumes. Who is there? He does not see anything.

- Can you hear me, professor?

Someone raises his head and pours a little liquid into his mouth. Then again, again and again. Potion? There is no taste. Is he alive??? What's happening? Where is he? Where is Voldemort and Potter? A million questions are ready to be torn off the tongue, but the one as a motionless heavy stone lies in the mouth.

Retractable heels sound. Darkness.


Vision returned seventeen days after the Nagini attack. He later found out it from Kate. At first she was only a voice, the sound of footsteps in the surrounding impenetrable darkness, a faint smell of perfume. She touched him, but he did not feel. He did not feel his body at all.

The stranger with the spell of Wingardium Leviosa lifted his body into the air, pulled off his pants and shirt, wiped him off with something and put it on again. Snape was seething with shame, becouse of smell from his body — he no longer controlled him, even in the simplest functions. One could only hope that the woman would be old enough so that he could someday look into her face.

Hopes, of course, did not materialize, and Kate turned out to be a pretty young woman of about twenty-five, with cute dimples on her cheeks, beautiful brown eyes. Brown hair were neatly chipped off the back of the head. Something was in her - homely, cozy, suggesting thoughts of a quiet crackling of the hearth, evening tea parties with baking and leisurely conversations. The face was completely unfamiliar. So, she did not study at Hogwarts. The foreigner? The uniforms of the witch doctor closely fit the slim figure, allowing you to admire the magnificent breasts and steep hips.

The stranger finally finished arranging the bottles on the bedside table and looked at Snape.

- Professor! - she started, seeing that he opened his eyes. - Do you see me?

Snape looked at her silently. The tongue, like the rest of the body, was paralyzed.

- We will communicate this way, - the girl said decisively, - if you want to say yes, you close your eyes. If not, blink quickly. Want to ask a question, close your left eye. Tired and want to relax - right. Do you understand me?

Snape closed his eyes. Opened again.

- That's good, - the girl was clearly delighted that he understood her. - My name is Kate Lefebvre, I am your healer.

- Do you remember who you are?

- Yes.

- Do you remember what happened to you?

- Yes.

- Well. I will tell you what happened next. In the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry Potter defeated the He Who Cannot Be Named and then rushed off to the Shrieking Shack, hoping you could be alive. And you really turned out to be alive. True, no one understood why, - Kate smiled slightly, showing a row of dazzling white teeth. - Your body continued to struggle with the action of the poison that would kill any person. By evening, the best magicians of St. Mungo Hospital arrived at Hogwarts. After the inspection and consultation, it was decided to leave you here - moving to London could be too dangerous. Your head Healer, Professor Gerhard, is England's largest specialist in poison diseases. He examines you every other day. I follow all his instructions - twice a day I give you a potion that gradually removes poison from the body and gives you a massage. Professor Gerhard hopes that you will fully recover, but the healing process will be long and may take several months. So be patient, Professor Snape.

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