Part Four. Strange meetings.

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- Hello, professor. I don't bother you?

Snape had not seen the former student for more than a year, apart from their brief meeting in the Shrieking Shack, when he was almost blind from the terrible pain. Something in Potter had changed, but he could not understand what exactly...

- Why are you alive, Potter?

Harry grinned.

- I'm glad to see you too, professor. But in the end, we fought with you on the same side. I think it's time for us to forget the old grievances and...

- How could you survive if the Dark Lord killed you?

- Oh, I don't know... Perhaps he killed only that part of me that was the horcrux.

- Some kind of nonsense, - muttered Snape, - if Voldemort struck you with the spell of Avada Kedavra, you should have died... All you, not in separate parts. Second question, Potter. Why am I still alive?

- Well... probably you have a strong body.

- No organism is able to cope with the poison of an Albanian snake. I had to die that day.

Potter shrugged.

- In any case, I'm glad you survived.

- Really? - Snape asked ironically.

- In principle, I nevermind, of course, - Potter admitted, - I'm just trying to be polite.

- What for?

- I have an assignment. I have to get you to the ministry.

Snape raised his eyebrows in surprise.

- There was a request for you from France's Aurorat — they demand your extradition. They claim that you, while in France, abducted a respected sorceress - Roxanne Lefebvre, tortured her and... sorry, raped.

No matter how annoyed Snape was, he burst out laughing involuntarily.

- Really raped?

- Of course I don't believe it, - Potter said quickly, - well, of course you don't need to rape a woman.

- Potter, - Snape hissed menacingly.

- I meant your innate nobility, sir. In general, clarification is needed.

- Have you come to arrest me? - Snape asked mockingly.

- Arrests are the prerogative of the Aurors. If you want to be arrested, at least a dozen of them will come here. And I'm just a modest assistant to the minister and I have been instructed, as I said, politely to ask you to call in Mr. Kingsley for a cup of tea.

- When?

- Now.

Snape sighed. He did not want to go, but it was better to explain himself immediately. Besides, he finally understood... it was necessary to discuss this with Kingsley.

He quickly wrote a note for Kate and headed for the exit.

- Severus!

Potter and Snape turned around in surprise.

- Hello Harry, - said Dumbledore dryly from his portrait. - I need to say a few words to Professor Snape... alone.

Potter bowed silently and left.

- Severus, - Dumbledore whispered quickly, - make sure he doesn't hear us.

Snape crept silently toward the door and swung it open. Potter was gone. He returned to the portrait.

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