Part two. Harry Potter, the school years are wonderful.

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 Start 1991/1992

Harry tore open the envelope, inscribed in green ink, ran his eyes over the text of the letter and, with a snort, threw it into the trash.

- What was it? - Uncle Vernon frowned.

- Someone's stupid joke - like, damn it, they invite me to study at a school of wizards... Idiots!

- Do not dare to swear, how many times you repeat! - snapped the Dursley.

- Fuck you...- the nephew answered idly and spat on Dudley's plate.

- Mama! - Dudley howled, offended, but Petunia did not pay attention to him - with wide-open eyes, she looked at her husband, then at the trash can, in which the discarded letter was lying.

- You need to lose weight, - Harry barked.

- Get out of the table! - shouted Uncle Vernon.

- Vernon! - whispered Petunia.

She pulled out the envelope and, with trembling hands, unfolded the parchment.

- Vernon, they take him!


- You, morons! - Harry screamed an hour later. - Are you taking me for an idiot? There are no wizards and magic schools! You decided to get rid of me, scums? Want to put in a nuthouse? It will not work! I won't go anywhere! - he rushed into the closet and closed the door to the mop.

Petunia looked helplessly at her husband:

- What shall we do, Vernon?

He shrugged.

- They'll probably send someone to explain to him. You said someone came to your sister.


Harry took the appearance of Hagrid surprisingly calmly. He politely greeted, asked if he had any documents with him, and finding out what it was not, he kindly offered tea. Then he carefully listened to Hagrid's stories about Hogwarts and the wizarding world, about the true fate of his parents. Upon learning that Hagrid himself was not able to conjure, Harry smiled and, politely apologizing, went to the toilet.

- Why didn't you tell him anything? - Hagrid asked indignantly when the door closed behind Harry.

- We were afraid you won't take him, - Petunia answered quietly. – He is... He is an unusual boy.

- How can we not take him?!! Harry belongs to our world!

- God bless your world, - said Dursley mockingly.

Harry returned, sat down again on the stool and began to question Hagrid about the subjects taught at Hogwarts, and when the police sirens howled outside, he grinned vilely:

- Now you can tell them all this crap. Or do you think I did not understand that you are a nurse from a psychiatric hospital?

The scoundrel told the police that Hagrid was going to abduct him, and since the forester did not really have documents and clear explanations for his presence in the house on Privet Drive, he was taken to the Muggle police station, from where Dumbledore pulled him out a day later. Dumbledore went to the Dursleys to speak with Harry. It is not known what ultimately worked - Dumbledore's ability to persuade or Uncle Vernon's threat to send Harry to school for difficult teenagers, but Potter agreed to go to Hogwarts, to the delight of the Dursleys and to the grief for us.


- Slytherin! - the hat finally shouted, and Snape, disbelieving his own ears, watched in dismay as a thin, dark-haired boy sat down at the table of his faculty.

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