Center of a Circus

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Everyone is inside the circus tent

Dee: Let's go get popcorn!

Dum: No! Peanuts.

Dee: Popcorn is better.

Dum: I don't think you're my brother.

Alice: Let's get both.

Dee: I want whatever Alice is having.

Alice: I'm not hungry.

Dum: Come on.

Dee and Dum start to pull Alice when Blood grabs Alice's hand.

Blood: Come.

Alice: Where.

Blood: To your seat. Since you sleep in our hall, you sit with us.

Alice: Aren't we all sitting together?

Blood: No.

They all take a seat in the audience of the circus.  The ringmaster comes out, but you can't see his face. No one is in the audience except Alice, Vivaldi, Peter, Ace, Blood, Elliot, Dee, Dum, Mary, Pierce, and Boris.

Joker: Welcome to the Joker's Circus.

Alice: Is that?

Joker: Before we get started, I need a volunteer.

Dee and Dum raise their hands really wanting to get picked.

Joker: You.

Joker points to Alice.

Joker: Come here young lady.

Dee: Lucky you got picked big sis.

Dum: Good luck.

Alice walks to the ring where Joker is.

Joker: What is your name young lady?

Alice: I think you know.

Joker starts to laugh.

Joker: Funny one. Welcome...

Alice: You know it.

Joker: Let me guess, Alice.

Alice: What do you want?

Joker: You to be part of the circus.

Alice: No. I...

Joker snaps his figures which magically puts Alice on the tip rope with two faceless kids. Joker geatures to the audience.

Joker: This is Jokers land now!

Laughs an evil laugh and disappears. If you want music, this is what I envisioned below. 

Joker: All will stop for you Alice.

Alice is screaming. Dee, Dum, Ace and Elliot are excited. Blood is watching. Peter is freaking out, Vivaldi is bored, and Boris and Pierce are finding a way to get Alice down. Faceless girl and Faceless boy are playing with Alice.

Faceless girl: Hello pretty lady.

Faceless boy: You having fun?

Alice: NO! Get me down.

Faceless girl: But we can't. We have to try to hit you.

Alice: With what?

Faceless boy: Knives of course. Were knives throwers. You remember us.

Faceless girl: You left early.

Alice: I don't want to be up here.

Faceless girl: But you volunteered?

Alice: No I didn't.

Faceless boy throws a knife at Alice, misses.

Alice: You almost hit me.

Faceless boy: Well we have to hit you.

Alice is screaming. Boris and Pierce are under the tip rope, looking up at Alice and then at each other.

Boris: I'm climbing the ladder.

Pierce: What should I do?

Boris: Make sure you are able to catch Alice, if she falls.

Boris climbs the ladder. Boris starts to walk on the tip rope.

Boris: Kids, let her go.

Faceless Boy: Or what cat?

Faceless Girl: Are you going to chase us?

Faceless Girl and Faceless Boy start to meow at Boris. Blood shoots his gun and hits the Faceless Girl. Faceless Girl falls off the tip rope and turns into a stuffed animal when she hits the ground.

Faceless Boy: What was that! That's not part of the show.

Alice: Boris! HELP!

Boris: I'm coming Alice.

Boris turns into Cat Boris and walks towards Alice. Blood is under the tip rope looking up.

Blood: I think you should listen to the young ladies request.

Faceless Boy: You're not the one I'm afraid of.

Faceless Boy pushes Alice off the tip rope.

Alice: HELP!

Pierce is ready to catch Alice, but Ace catches Alice.

Ace: Hi

Alice: ACE!

Alice hugs Ace.

Ace: It's ok.

Alice: Joker.

Joker walks over to Alice and Ace and tries to grab Alice out of Ace's arms, but Ace pulls out his sword to block Joker from touching Alice.

Ace: Are you trying to take my heart away?

Joker: She'll be happy with me.

Joker pulls out his gun and aims for Ace.

Joker: And I will let no one get in the way of that.

Ace pulls Alice in front of Ace. It looks like Joker is aiming at Alice.

Ace: You wouldn't hit her would you? If I go down, she comes down with me.

Ace laughs.

Alice: ACE! Let me go!

Joker: Really. I don't...

Alice: Ace? What's happening?

Alice falls asleep in Ace's arms.

Ace: Right now Nightmare. Really?

Alice disappears. Peter runs up to Ace.

Peter: Joker what are you doing with Alice!

Blood: It's not the Joker.

Joker: For once listen to Hatter.

Joker puts his hands up to show he is innocent. Vivaldi walks over.

Vivaldi: Nightmare is taking her.


Joker: I only want Alice to myself. I'll never work with Caterpillar.

Joker disappears.

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