March Hare

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Alice and Elliot are walking back to the mansion.

Elliot: So, how's everything been? I don't get to talk to you a lot.

Alice: I know. Sorry about that. I have almost all my classes with Blood.

Elliot: It's fine. I'm just glad we get to have your carrot cake again.

Alice: Of course you are. Have you been practicing your weapons?

Elliot: Everyday after school. You haven't been there, have you?

Alice: I try to stay away from it.

Elliot: Come on, let me show you. Blood took the tour away from me.

Elliot and Alice are in the weapon training room.

Elliot: Cool right. This is the Hatters Training room. Boris likes to sneak in here and pull pranks on us.

Alice: Sounds like him.

Elliot: Dee and Dum come here a lot since they can't work anymore. Blood spends his free time doing paperwork. And I enjoy your cooking.

Alice: He brought his paperwork here.

Elliot: He brings it everywhere he goes. We also have a wine cellar and tea cellar in our hall.

Alice: Blood showed me the tea and wine cellar.

Elliot: He showed you everything. 

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