Nurses office with worried friends

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"GUYS! WHY HASN'T SHE WAKEN UP YET?!" Peter panicked in the medical office. "WHAT IF SHE DIED!" The Wonderland Gang had taken Alice to the office a few minutes after she had passed out. But no one stayed in the classroom to watch over the other students.

"Hey nurse lady! When is she going to wake up," Boris gave her a cold stare. He was getting bored without someone to play with. The nurse was getting irritated by the amount of people in the small medical room meant for a couple people who were sick. Not visitors! She had asked them to leave multiple times, but they wouldn't budge!

"Gowland, why don't you go back to your class," Blood suggested. He wanted to be alone with Alice. Gowland smirked.

"As if I would let my favorite student be alone with the likes of you!" Gowland snarled. Everyone started to bicker with each other. Alice's eyes started to flicker open, adjusting to the bright lights. She slowly pushed herself up to be seated against the wall, to be able to see her friends surrounding the bed. She held her head from feeling a little bit dizzy, but she wasn't hurt. Mary was the first to notice Alice awake and well.

"Hey kiddo! Nice to see you up!" he gleamed. Alice smiled, showing there was nothing to worry about. The nurse gave a little sigh, and left them alone in the office. 

"I'm doing well. What's wrong?" Alice asked. She had forgotten that she was still in school when she fainted in class. Peter was overjoyed that his love aroused! Tears started to form in his eyes and stream down his pale white face! He jumped into Alice's arms.

"MY LOVE! Thank heavens you are still alive. I was about to call a real doctor. Not some school nurse! You deserve the absolute best!" Peter commented. Ace pulled Peter off Alice so she could have a little space. They all began talking to her at once, but one comment caught Alice's attention.

"What did Nightmare have to say?" Blood toneless voice smirked. Alice stared at him, dead in the eyes. How had he known that she was talking to Nightmare? Did Nightmare visit him as well? Blood made his way to Alice's side and leaned into her ear. "People don't just fall asleep like you did today miss..." Alice got chills down her spine! He knew something! Everyone was now listening to their conversation.

"Yes... Nightmare was in my dream. He..." before Alice could finish her sentence, she heard a little voice.

"Don't tell them Alice..." the soft-spoken voice spoke. "They can't know the real reason why I came into your dream..." Alice froze. What was she going to tell them?

"He was hiding from Gray. It's happened many times before you all came to my world. Nothing to worry about. But today was a little different. It's never happened at school." Boris fell to the ground, upset. 

"That man... That mans been able to see you all this time!" Boris choked. His eye started to twitch. He was jealous. Ace leaned against the door and crossed his arms.

"That is so not fair! I want to be in your dreams," Ace winked at Alice. Elliot however didn't really care about this whole Nightmare situation. 

"Can we go back to class?!" Elliot asked irritated. They all turned to him and gave him a weird look. Elliot gave them a weird look back. "What? I just want to go back to class. It's the only time I get to see Alice by my self..." Dee and Dum started to tease Elliot.

"Dumb bunny loves Alice!" Dee chanted. Dum followed.

"He has a crush on Alice!" Dum laughed. Elliot rolled his eyes at their childish behavior.

"Who doesn't love Alice?" Pierce squeaked. Elliot gave a thumbs up, agreeing with Pierce. 

"People at this school," Alice muttered to herself. Vivaldi heard her and sat down beside her.

"What are you saying Alice darling. Peasants at this school adore you. For example, that Ramin boy! He seems to be fond of you. He will never stop asking if I know what you're doing this weekend in Science class." Vivaldi confessed. Alice smiled. Ramin was a nice friend. Peter came over to.

"And as much as I hate them, Sibyl and Amy ask about you in PE," Peter remembered. He looked over at Vivaldi. "They talk to me, but not the Queen!"

"For some reason, Ralph asked the same things to me!" Blood puzzled. Blood just didn't like the fact that people were trying to make conversation with him. They were all below him of course!

"Your four friends seem to really care about you Alice! You're a great person of course!" Boris smiled in Alice's lap! Alice looked down and petted his hair.

"That makes me happy to hear! Thank you," Alice said. Mary looked at the clock and made his announcement.

"Okay people! I think it's time to go back to class now! " Mary ordered. "It's almost the end of 6th period!" Alice looked over, remembering that Mr. Gowland was a teacher at the school now.

"Um... Mr. Gowland? Who is teaching your class right now?" Alice asked. Pierce and Mary pointed to each other, then realized that they were both in the Nurse Office and no one was down in the Music Room. Elliot smacked his hand to his face, disappointed by their stupidity. Alice laughed, glad that she was able to attend school with her friends...

 But Alice hoped Nightmare was able to come to her world. He just had to make it there!


Hi everyone! I know, I know! I haven't updated in forever, but here it is! I've been so busy with finals and the show I'm in that I haven't actually gotten the time to sit and write in like a month. And my school laptop doesn't let me access Wattpad, which is the worst! 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I will update as soon as I can. Please feel free to comment and like it! Have a Wonderful day, and wish me luck in the show I'm in!

~ Blair Anderson

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