Nightmares return

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"Does anyone in this class actually have an musical ability?" Mr. Gowland groaned. He was half asleep at his desk, and did not want to teach at all. He was bored out of his mind! "Alice, why don't you come up here and do something to entertain the class?"

"Mr. Gowland, for the third time this class, no!" Alice addressed. Mr. Gowland whined some more. Pierce went up to the front of the class.

"I'll do something if Alice comes up next to me?!" Pierce suggested. Of course, Alice shook her head no. It was a regular Monday at their high school. Mr. Gowland did not know how to teach a class and hoped the others would try and make an effort to help him out. They could care less about him.

"You know what?! I'm getting sick of this. I'm the teacher and I'll tell you what to do!" Mr. Gowland realized! He looked straight at Blood. "Excuse me, Brett. Play something on the piano for the class."

"No." Blood responded. He laid back into his chair, trying to get comfortable. Mr. Gowland walked right up to him. Face to face.

"You seem to have misheard me. It wasn't a question. It was an order!" Mr. Gowland snickered. Blood looked him dead in the eye.

"Look old man, I told you no. I'm not doing anything for you," Blood warned. Mr. Gowland leaned into Blood and whispered into his ear.

"If you don't get up there, I will reveal your true self to everyone in this school," Gowland threaten. Blood raised his eyebrow and glanced over to Alice. He let out a sigh and walked up, obeying his enemy.

Blood graceful set himself in front of the grand piano. All the girls in class, except Alice and Vivaldi, gave out a little sigh. They already thought he was handsome, and being able to play a musical instrument made them fall in love with him even more. Blood cracked his hands and prepared to stun the class.

(Play the music now)

He moved him hands over the piano so elegantly. It was obvious he had been playing for years. The music sounded like something from a dream. Alice listened to the piano, swaying back and forth in her chair. Her eyes were feeling really heavy, but she didn't feel tired.

"Alice?" Boris whispered to Alice. "You don't look good? You're really pale." Alice looked over at Boris, but he was blurry for some reason. She tried to speak, but she couldn't get a sound to come out.

"Do you want me to take you to the health room?" Peter asked with some concern. Alice shook her head no. Trying to act as if everything were fine. Alice didn't know what was going on. She didn't feel right...

"I'm fine, don't worry. I just need to shut my eyes for a bit..." Alice yawned. She slowly placed her head on Boris's lap and instantly fell asleep. Boris pocked her cheek, but she wouldn't wake up.

"Hey. Hey Alice?" Boris whimpered. "She's not waking up!" Peter started to sweat from stress. Ace looked over to see Alice.

"Come on Alice. You don't want to make a scene, right?" Ace smiled. She wouldn't budge. Nothing was going to wake her up. And Peter wasn't helping. He was biting his hand, holding back his screams. Soon, everyone was concerned about Alice.

~In Alice's Dream~

Alice woke up in a place she had been before. It was a dark place that went on forever. She was all alone.

"I must have passed out in Music Class. Poor Boris. I hope he doesn't mind me sleeping on his lap," Alice fussed. Alice started to stroll around, trying to find something to give her a clue of where she was. She started to smell smoke. Was it fire?

"ALICE!" A man screamed. Alice turned around to see the figure floating before her.

"NIGHTMARE!" Alice cried. It had been so long since Nightmare had entered Alice's dreams. He floated down to her, but he did not look happy to see her.

"WHERE IS EVERYONE?!" Nightmare demanded! He grabbed Alice's hand and pulled her towards himself. He looked her in the eye, not losing contact. He was furious. Alice tried to escape his grasp, but he was too strong.

"What do you mean?!" Alice cried out. Nightmare was losing more and more of his patience!

"NO ONE IS IN THE COUNTRY OF CLOVERS!" Nightmare protested. "There are no role holders, except depressed Julius and Gray!" He released Alice and fell to the ground crying like a child. "They are all required by law to come hear my speech! And no one came. Gray got really confused and I started to panic! So I came here. I wanted to see if you knew anything about their disappearance?"

"They're all here," Alice said. Nightmare stopped his tantrum and looked up at her with confusion.

"What do you mean by here?" Nightmare choked. Nightmare stood up, readjusting his jacket.

"They are all in my world," Alice smiled. Why was he asking all these question? Didn't he know?

"Why are they there?" Nightmare asked. Alice started to laugh.

"I love how you are asking me the questions this time," Alice pointed out. Usually she was the one asking for answer. Nightmare gave her a *really* look. She smiled and started to explain the situation. "Peter found a way for me to come back to Wonderland. You were invited, but as you know you were too far away to reach. I wish you were able to make it." Nightmare stared at Alice, even more confused.

"I was never invited," Nightmare classified. He seemed really serious, but Alice knew he was just teasing her.

"Yeah you were. They all told me that they told you, Gray, and Julius. You and Gray were too far away to reach and Julius could not make it," Alice clarified, trying to make him remember. However, Nightmare shook his head no.

"I don't believe Gray and I were invited on this little trip. Gray would have told me something as important as that," Nightmare promised. Nightmare wasn't told about the trip. He wasn't lying. The others were!

"They... They lied to me?!" Alice sniffled. Why would they lie to her? Maybe it was to spare her feelings. Or did they want her all to themselves!

"I would go with the second one!" Nightmare spoke. He was reading her thoughts. Alice was still confused. Peter was in charge of the trip. Why would he bring everyone else and leave out Nightmare, Gray, and Julius. "Must have know you had personally talked to them."

"But Peter wasn't supposed to tell you. Blood was. Because he kidnapped me which forced me to leave before telling you!" Alice theorized. Blood! No wonder Nightmare and Gray couldn't come. Blood never told them! But what about Julius? Julius knew, so why didn't he come...

"I'm going to find a way to come to your world!" Nightmare stated. He had determination in his one eye! He wanted to see his Alice in real life, not this fake dreamworld.

"Are you sure you'll be able to make it," Alice asked Nightmare. Nightmare looked down at Alice. She really wanted to see him too. He noticed that tears were starting to form in her delicate blue eyes.

"Alice, don't worry. I'll find a way to come here and..." Before he could finish his sentence, blood poured out of his mouth. He fell on his knees and hunched his back to make sure not to get it on his clothes. His hands gripped his stomach and tears started to run down his face from the pain. Alice got down on his level and pulled out her handkerchief. She didn't want to seem concerned in front of him. She stayed strong. Alice wiped away some of the tears on his face, then the blood dripping from his lips. "Sorry..."

"Before you come to my world," Alice started, "you have to see a doctor!" Nightmare rolled his eyes at Alice like a five year old does. Alice knew he wasn't going to go, but she wanted to try. "And I wanted to ask you one more thing."

"What is it?"

"Are you able to bring Julius and Gray along with you," Alice asked. Nightmare folded his arms, thinking it over.

"I promise. I'll try and visit with you more often, if you don't mind," Nightmare assured. "I must be off. I have work to do. See you soon Alice." Nightmare disappeared into thin air and Alice's dream ended.


Nightmare is back everyone! And as sick as ever! Anyway, thank you so much for reading the chapter. I've been working so hard to update regularly, but finals are coming up! And I'm working on other projects as well.

So please like, follow, or comment! And have a Wonderful day.

~Blair Anderson

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