My Ex's Best Friend

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"Listen Julie, I don't think this is working." my jaw dropped. James, my boyfriend of a whole year was breaking up with me? Today had seemed like any other date. We got together to hang out at his house thirty minutes ago, and now this? "James? I don't understand!" my voice was full of emotion, "Julie, what I'm trying to say is, I'm not interested in you anymore. Sure, our relationship was great! You are probably the most fun girlfriend I have ever had! But I just don't feel it anymore." tears were starting to drip from my eyes, "But-but I thought you loved me." he sighed, "Don't guilt trip me. This is hard enough as it is without watching you cry." he was getting impatient. I wiped away my stupid tears and shouted, "Is that the only reason you asked me to come over? To break up with me?" when he didn't respond I pushed him backwards, "I can't believe I trusted you! I can't believe I loved you!" I tore the necklace he gave me from my neck and threw it at him. How could he be so calm right now?

I decided that I would leave before I lost anymore of my dignity, so I spun around and marched out the door. I was too full of fury to notice that Darius, James's best friend was walking into the house at that exact moment. He caught me from falling, then noticed the tear tracks on my face. He frowned the mouthed, "I'm sorry." before entering the house. Of course James would have confided in his best friend about breaking up with me. I scowled as I slammed the door behind me. I silently swore to myself. I was not going to think about James and his deep hazel eyes. Nor was I going to think about his wavy blonde hair.

I mentally slapped myself. I was already breaking my own rule. I was about to go home when I saw the entrance to the park. I figured that I should recuperate, then go home, so I walked into the park. The swings were occupied by small children, so I decided to sit under a tree. I put my head on my knees. Now that I thought about it. James had planned his break up with me. Otherwise how would Darius had known to come at that exact moment. I bit my lip to keep from crying out. I was going to get back at him. I knew it was childish and petty to take revenge on your boyfriend after he broke up with you, but I was to hurt to care.

It was only then that I realized I was crying. Uncontrollable tears were streaming down my cheeks. I ignored the fact that the ground was covered in dirt and I rolled up into a ball on the ground. The only thing I could do was cry.

A little while later I made my way home. I had abandoned my idea of collecting my thoughts and attempting to clean up. When I walked in the door my mom rushed into the room. She tried to grab my arm and ask me what was wrong. But I just walked past her. Almost like I was in a trance. I walked up to my bathroom, turned on the shower and stepped in, clothes and all. As soon as the warm water cleared my thoughts, I realized what I was doing and I climbed out.

After I had changed out of my soaking wet clothes, I sank into my bed covers and closed my eyes. I was trying to figure out a way to get back at James. But I couldn't think of any plausible plans. Just then an idea, hit me like I had ran into a wall. Why hadn't I thought of this before? I wondered. I picked up my phone and dialed my best friend, Alice's number.

"Julie?" she sounded worried.

"Hi Alice. I don't know if you know what happened today, but I will give you a short description, James broke up with me."

She gasped, "He broke up with you?" she sounded like I had just played a joke on her.

"Yes, but that's not the important part anymore, I have a plan."

"Uh-oh" if there was one thing people knew about me, it was that I had a brutal temper. And Alice was fortunate enough to not have ever been on the bad side of that temper.

"Well it's not like I'm going to break anything of his, or vandalize-"

"What's your plan?" she sounded amused.

"Well I-" I paused, should I tell her this? I ignored my inner voice and continued on, "I am going to date Darius."

**Hello! This is a new story so I am looking for some feedback. Let me know what you think! Comment?? Vote?? Fan??

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