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Before you read this this doesn't have abuse but a little bit of a fighting in the middle of it. Now you may read.

Y/n's POV:
I sit in class waiting for the bell to ring so I can go home. I tap my foot and tap my pencil against my head impatiently. I decided to write a story to pass time I soon finished writing the story and checked the clock on the wall. Just one minute left. I pack up my things with everybody else and dashed out the classroom door before anyone else could and ran out the school doors and into the bus where I usually sit.

-5 minutes later-

I get off the bus and ran to my house I stopped at the front door to get my keys but then I hear glass shatter and yelling from inside... I knew the was my parents this isn't the first time I hear them arguing but definitely the first time hearing glass thrown at the walls. This has been happening ever since I was six years old, my parents would argue especially at night. I quickly grabbed my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door. I stepped inside, when I got inside it was very messy cabinets were open in the kitchen, glass shattered, drawers open, a dent in the fridge, spoons and forks on the floor, glass bottles of beer on the table, and chairs layed down on the floor. My dad was asleep on the couch and my mom was in her room. I quickly made my way to my room and dropped off my stuff and then quickly made my way back to the kitchen and quickly cleaned up before they got up and argued again.

30 minutes later

I began to read my story that I wrote in school to see what else I can add or fix minutes went by and my eyes began to get heavy and slowly drifted off to sleep.

AUTHORS NOTE: This chapter was 339 words long and I will be posting one or two chapters a day depending if I have school work or not. But I will post another chapter tomorrow if this even gets any reads.

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