Chapter 5: The Date

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E/C= your eye color
H/L = your hair length
H/C= your hair color

Ally pushes me down the hall and into a room. The room was big, it had a wardrobe, a vanity, a changing area, and had some paintings. Ally then sits me down on the chair in front of the vanity. "What did Mr.phantom want you in the garden for?" Ally asked with her back facing towards me while searching for dresses in the wardrobe "w-well we're going on a date in the garden" I said stuttering. Ally was silent and then she turned around and I saw her eyes lit up more and then she let out a silent scream of excitement. I couldn't help but smile of how happy she was just to hear about us going on a date. "I'm so happy that he finally fell in love with someone!" She said "why?" I asked her "well usually there would be some sort of princess that is presented to him and wants to marry him but after he got to know them, he would lose interest in them because they either weren't nice or was just not what they seem to be" she said "what do you mean not what they seem to be?" I asked her. "They-...never mind" she said she turned back around to the wardrobe and took out a couple of dresses. She turned to me and picked out a silk emerald green dress, the dress had thin straps, a v-neck shape, a slit on a leg and it was long "how about this one?" She asked "hmm let me see the other ones" I said, she picked out a silk red dress, the red dress was also a silk dress except it was a little shorter and had off the shoulder sleeves and it was a little poofy. "Let me see the last one" I said. She picked up the last dress, the last dress was a short silk poofy black dress, it had off the shoulder sleeves, and it had a v-neck shape. She then holds all three of them up "hmm..the black one" I said "good choice" she said, she then hands me the dress and leads me to the dressing room.

-a few minutes later-

As soon as I was done changing into the dress she helps zips up the back of the dress and gives me some black heels. "You look so beautiful, his breath is gonna be taken when he sees you...come let's put a little bit of makeup on you" she said. She sits me down on the vanity chair then she grabs some lipgloss, blush and mascara then turns the chair around towards her and starts to apply it on me. *A minute goes by* "Almost..and...DONE!" She said then she lets me turn around back to the mirror. When I looked in the mirror I was surprised at how pretty I looked, "I know.. you look beautiful!" She said with a smile on her face. I let out a smile and turned around to face her "thank you for the makeover" I said "your welcome..oh I almost forgot" she said before putting on a black crystal necklace and some black crystal earrings "now let's get you to the garden for your date with Mr.phantom" she said.
She takes me by my wrist and guides me through the halls to the back doors to the garden and stops before opening the doors "stay right here" she said, I nodded. She then quickly steps out of the doors and into the garden. Twenty seconds went by before I heard "Mr.phantom, may I present to you Y/n!" Ally said and opened the door revealing me. He was wearing an all black suit with dress up shoes, he stood there for a second before getting snapped out of his thoughts with an "ahem!" From ally. He approaches me taking my hand and placing a gentle kiss on it "you look so lovely tonight dearest" Voltaere said "thank you Voltaere, and you look handsome tonight yourself" I said with a smile "well That's my cue to go cook some dinner for you two" ally said before she quickly went through the doors shutting them behind her. Voltaere led me to the table that was in the middle of the garden, the garden cherry blossom trees had fairy lights connecting them all, there was red, pink and some black roses. We sat down at the table, the table had a white table cloth with a black flower in a white vase in the middle of the table, "do you like it darling?" He asked "yes, I love it" I said with an amazed smile on my face. We heard the doors of the garden open and turned our heads, to our surprise we saw ally and a couple of butlers, they made their way to our table. Two butlers had placed a plate of food on the table in front of us and opened the top, the food was spaghetti and meatballs, they then put two wine glasses down and poured some champagne into our cups then left the bottle in a bucket of ice and made their way back inside the palace. "We'll be back to make dessert" ally said, the doors closed and Voltaere and I started eating our food, I took a bite of a meatball and my eyes widened Voltaere then looked at me "do you like the food?" He asked "the food is delicious" I said "I'm glad you enjoy it, the chefs are known to make the best food and make food the fastest in the village" he said. Voltaere and I continued talking and eating dinner and soon finished, "I hope you have room for dessert" he said "I have plenty of room for dessert" I said "good" he said, the doors of the garden open once again and reveal ally and the same two butlers with two plates of chocolate cake and a plate of chocolate covered strawberries "tonight's dessert is made from our bestest chefs in our kitchen, made from the finest chocolates and best ingredients in our village" ally said while placing down the plates in front of us, Voltaere and I both thanked her she then handed both of us napkins. I looked at the writing on my napkin: "tell me how the date went when you guys are finished :)" I smiled at the napkin and pretended to wipe my mouth with it so Voltaere doesn't grow suspicion. We both took a bite of our chocolate cake "I haven't had chocolate cake in a long time, I almost forgot how delicious it was" Voltaere said with a smile "really, when was the last time you ate chocolate cake ?" I asked him "since last month" he said "wow that really is a long time"I said. We both were eating our chocolate cake and chocolate covered strawberries while joking around the entire time we were eating our desserts, we shared laughs with each other he said a joke that made me laugh so hard I almost choked on my last chocolate covered strawberry he chuckled at me and gave me a glass of water. "How about we take a walk in the garden tonight?" He suggested "sure, I'd love to" I said, he got up "come on, there's a spot I'd like to show you" he said as he offered me a hand I smiled and gently took his hand, he led me from the table down a path of cherry blossom peddles that had already fallen off of them. As we walked, we got to know each other more and I noticed the moon was brighter than I've ever seen it, I stopped to look at its beauty and I felt Voltaere stare at me while I stared at the moon. "The moon looks beautiful tonight don't you think Voltaere?" I said while looking back up to him "yes it is...but the moon has nothing compared to your beauty darling" he said. I blushed and looked down to the ground while smiling, he then gently put his hand on my chin and lifted it making me face to face with him again "may I?" He asked "y-you may" I said stuttering while blushing not long after I gave him permission we both close our eyes and he slowly leaned his head downward towards mine and placed a soft kiss on my lips. We both slowly pulled away and opened our eyes, he looked at my soft e/c eyes as I looked at his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "You are so beautiful, inside and out. Everything about you is perfect and I never thought I would find someone as perfect as you, nor did I think I would fall in love" he said. I stood there with a look of adoration on my face and as heart melted as such compliments, I took up the courage and said "you are so handsome as well, your everything my dreams are made of, your eyes are as light as chocolate and your smile is brighter than the moonlight and sunshine itself. I never thought I would find a man who is as sweet and loving as you". When I finished saying that a smile appeared on his face and a blush rose on his cheeks, he then pulls me close into a long warm hug, "let's get going back to that spot I was talking about earlier" he said "let's go" I said. We held hands on our way to the spot he was taking me to it was a silent 10 minute walk we didn't find it awkward because we just enjoyed holding hands and hearing the sounds of the gentle breeze, crickets chirping, and the sight of fireflies. We soon arrived at a grassy hill he lead me up the grassy hill and we both laid down looking at the night sky, "there's so many stars tonight" he said "yeah there is" I said as I continued to look at the stars, I looked at Voltaere as he kept gazing at the stars. Everything about this man was just perfect, the way he is romantic, the way he plans everything out, how respectful he is, how manner full he is, and how gentle he is as well, he's definitely the right one for me.

Voltaere's POV:
I look up at the starry night sky feeling someone staring at me, I turn my head to Y/n and find her staring at me she looked like she started to daydream "hello?" She still didn't do anything "Earth to Y/n?" I said. Then that's when she blinked "sorry, I went into a daydream" she said "what were you daydreaming about?" I asked her "well it wasn't a daydream it was more of thinking or admiring I guess" she said "oh well, what were you thinking or admiring?" I asked her "I was admiring you and thinking of how great of a man you are" she said with a smile. I couldn't help but have adoration in my eyes and a smile on my face as I look back at her, everything she's said has been sweet. She is caring, kind, funny, comforting and adorable. She's someone I'd like as my lover, her personality suits her and the sweet words she comes up with flatters me. "Voltaere?" Y/n asks snapping me out of my thoughts "yes?" I said, she sat up and I sat up with her "have you ever been in love before?" She asked "no, have you?" I asked her "no" she said, I grabbed her hands softly and looked at her in her eyes "all I know is that...even if I never knew what love feels like, I can definitely feel it when I'm with you" I said and she smiled. "It's getting pretty late don't you think?" I asked her "yeah" she said "why don't we go back to the palace then" I said "okay" she said. I got up and helped her up, on our way back we held hands, it was a 15 minute walk back to the garden doors and thankfully we made it back safely. I opened the garden doors and said "ladies first" "thank you" she said "your welcome darling" I said, I closed the garden doors behind me and walked Y/n back to her room, "hey Y/n?" I said "yes?" She said "wanna sleep in my bedroom instead?" I offered her "sure" she said. She closed the bedroom door she opened and followed me towards my room, I gave her a night gown to change into and she changed in the dressing room in my room and I changed in the other. Then we both made our way to the bed, I turned off the light and I felt her snuggle on me, which I found very cute. Not soon after, we both fell asleep.

AUTHORS NOTE: this chapter has 2,186 words in total. I know I said I would release this on Valentine's Day but I got kind of lazy and forgot about it. Don't worry there will be drama coming in this story soon, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I loved writing it. I hope you guys remember to eat and drink something today if you haven't. Anyways have a good day/night/evening/noon. See ya in the next one!😊

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