Chapter 8: the planning of a new village

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Voltaere's POV:
I woke up from the sun hitting my face through the blinds and sat up a little, I saw Y/n still sleeping on me. I didn't want to move or wake up, so instead of getting off the bed I laid back down and watched her sleep. She looked so peaceful and beautiful, I couldn't help but admire her soft features. I love this girl, everything about her is absolutely perfect.  The way her eyes would sparkle in the light, her beautiful smile, the way her hair looked in the light, her voice, how kind she was, her humor, and how her laugh could fill anyone with joy. I must've been lost in thought because before I could think about anything else I heard a morning voice say "good morning" I blinked a couple times and saw Y/n awake "good morning love, how did you sleep?" I asked with my morning voice I still had "I slept comfortably, how did you sleep?" she asked "I fell asleep quickly and comfortably, ready for breakfast now?" I asked her "yes" she said. I got off the bed and turned around with my back facing her, she got on my back and went into the hall. As soon as we got in the hall I was met with the smell of waffles, bacon, and eggs we both inhaled "smells delicious" We both said at the same time which made us look at each other and laugh. We quickly made our way down the hall and towards the dining room, i opened the dining room doors and sat Y/n at her chair while I sat in mine. We must've made it on time because as soon as we sat down I saw the kitchen doors open and out came Ally and some butler's, they all placed down 1 plate, 2 bowl and our drinks for us. The plate had waffles, bacon and eggs, one bowl had blueberry yogurt with some blueberries in it and the other one had cereal. We both said thank you and started eating, as we ate we told jokes to each other. I was eating cereal until she told me one that made me burst out laughing so hard that milk went out my nose, she called Ally to get some napkins and handed me them as she was laughing.

Y/n's POV:
I called Ally to get some napkins and I handed them to Voltaere while laughing. Voltaere had cleaned up the table and was cleaning his nose until there was a knock on the door. Ally made her way from the kitchen to the door, "Mr.Phantom, Mr.The lover is here to see you" Ally called out. Voltaere got up from his seat and went towards the door, Ally came back and sat next to me "hey Y/n" she said "hey Ally" I said "I'm so glad to hear you guys are having fun, it's been a really long time since he last laughed that hard" she said with a smile "how long?" I asked "many years" she said "well I'm glad I'm able to make him laugh, he looks like he's always busy" I said "you have no idea" she says smiling. We both heard the front doors close and heard the dining room doors opened "hey Y/n, hey Ally!" Brandon said "hey Brandon" we both said, Voltaere made his way towards me "I'll be in my study, making blueprints with Brandon. If you need anything you can call Ally" he said "okay" I said. He placed a kiss on my head and left out the dining room and towards his study. "When can you two just marry each other?" Ally asked teasingly, I nudged her shoulder and she laughed "when are you going to get together with Brandon? I noticed the looks you give each other" I said teasingly "we're just friends Y/n!" She says with a pink face "mhm sure because if you are only friends, then why is your face pink?" I asked her "Y/n!" She shouted covering her face "I'm kidding!" I said to her while laughing.

Ally's POV:
"Y/n!" I shouted covering my face "I'm kidding!" She said while laughing. She was right though, we either had been giving each other looks or kept looking at each other but I didn't think Y/n would notice. After all, I had been friends with him ever since we've been little but I had a crush on him since grade school and I have to confess to him soon. "I better go start cleaning" I said "okay we'll talk later, I'll be in the library" Y/n said. Then she got up from the table and went towards the library, I tucked in her chair, picked up their dishes and wiped down the tables. I soon went to sweeping the hallway and ended up hearing something about Y/n, I leaned my ear against the door to hear closely.

Brandon's POV:
Voltaere and I had went into his study and we began working on the blueprints "should we do new buildings or the same as they originally were?" I asked "new buildings" Voltaere said he then got the pencil and did all the building sketches around the village "it would look like this" he said. "And what about the bakeries and schools?" I asked and he drew them out again, as he was drawing I couldn't help but think of Ally. I like her more than a friend and I hope she looks at me the same way. It would be confusing if she saw me only as a friend because of the way she stares at me. I don't know when I'll confess but now is definitely not the time, I began wondering of many solutions that can happen if I asked her out. "Brandon?...Brandon!" Voltaere said "huh?" I asked "are you alright?" Voltaere asked me "yeah..I'm good" I said. He then talked about how the whole village would look like once it was done being built. "Voltaere?" I asked "yeah?" He answered "are you planning anything else?" I asked him "yeah but I think it'll be for another time. I want to at least get this done first before proposing to Y/n. Because for what I know this is going to take months." He said "yeah...unless we use magic..." I said "true..we could give them to the town witch so she could use her magic to build them for us....I'm glad we're best friends Brandon" he said. "And I'm glad your my best friend too" I said "anyways when are you going to propose?" I asked him "since there's been a change of plans...probably in 1 year" he said "how come?" I asked "mostly because the diamond I want to get her is really rare and it's far from the village" he said. As soon as he was done saying that the door slammed open and there was a thud. We looked at the floor and saw Ally, she sat up and cleaned herself and I chuckled. I walked to her and put a hand out "need help?" I asked her "yeah" she said, she grabbed my hand and stood up. "I'm sorry for that Mr.Phantom, I'll get back to cleaning" she said smiling and quickly got out the door. I turned around and looked at Voltaere smiling "what?" I asked him "I saw the way you looked at her" he said "I looked at her in a way?" I asked "yeah.. it was the way I first looked at Y/n" he said "oh" I said while blushing, he then chuckled and I cleared my throat "are we done with the blueprints?" I asked "yes we are now you may take them to the witch" he said as he rolled them up and handed me them. I took them from his hand and made my way towards the door "can't wait to help plan out your guy's wedding in the future" I said in a teasing way while closing the door "and I can't wait for yours and Ally's" he said in a teasing voice too. After he said that I closed the door blushing "you win this time Voltaere!" I shouted while walking down the hallway "I'll always win Brandon!" I heard him shout from his study. Before I exited his palace I stopped in front of the dining room doors and opened it and found Ally standing there "bye Ally, hopefully I'll see you later" I said with a smile "hopefully I'll see you later too" she said to me while smiling with her cup of tea in her hand. I closed the dining room doors and walked out the palace doors. I made my way towards the towns witch hers out of all places should still be built because her magic was strong especially her force fields. I walked into the now broken down village and saw her cottage still looking the same way it did before the battle "just as I expected" I said to myself before walking inside her cottage. I opened the door and rang the bell at the cashier, I then heard an explosion in the back and saw purple smoke come out. I covered my face and saw them come out while they coughed, "Mr.the lover, what a nice surprise to see you again!" She said as she made her way to the cashier "as always Ms. Alarah!" I said in a friendly and happy way to her "what brings you here on this dreadful day?" She says with a smile "well, king Voltaere sent me here" I said "oh, what does he need this time?" She asked "he needs you and your magic to build the village like this" I said as I opened the blueprints and showed her them "hmm, I suppose I could. But only if I get a reward afterwards!" She said "sure, what is it that you would like?" I asked "1,500 emeralds" she said "Deal!" I said, she stuck out her hand and I took it. Both of us shook hands, "how long would it take?" I asked her "at least a day or two" she said "sounds great to me, it was a pleasure speaking with you Alarah!" I said as I made my way towards the door "it was a nice pleasure doing business with you Mr.the lover!" She said with a smile. I then opened the door and made my way towards Voltaere's palace. I knocked on the door and surprisingly Voltaere answered this time instead of Ally "did she agree to it?" Voltaere asked me "yes she did as long as she gets paid 1,500 emeralds afterwards" I said "how long did she say it'll take?" He asked me "she said at least a day or two" I answered him "thats wonderful news!" He shouted in joy. He screamed it loud enough that even y/n came walking towards us with her book still in her hand "what's wonderful news?" She asked "the village will be built within at least a day or two!" He shouted with joy again "that is wonderful news!" She said with a smile "then the kids of the village will be able to go to school again and there will be more farms than there were before!" She added again with a smile. Y/n and Voltaere were very happy that they hugged and even took me in a hug, Which I got to say it felt really nice to have a hug again in such a long time and a day after the battle.

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