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11:45 P.M

You walked in and saw that the room was indeed packed like goddamn sardines. Atleast you decorated your "face" first. There were people dressed in old halloween costumes, cosplays, normal clothes and in alternative clothing hanging around and dancing.

Good lord.

You were sporting an odd mix of [prefered style] and loungewear. You tried to style your hair but it ended up looking better down and pushed back. You shimmied your way through the dancing Fashion-tubers, the Makeup girls talking behind pretty painted faces and the Comedians conversed in a circle, waving their hands around, laughing, singing. What once were vendor tables were now just tables of games and snack tables, even though they were unattended and deserted.

You looked to see if there was a way to tell the singers apart from random people, and you couldn't, as long as you weren't in their face reading their con lanyard. So No Layla, Rex, Montague, or any of the people you atleast sorta-knew. Brilliant. You stood by the punch bowl and looked in, and saw your reflection in it. A mask with two eye holes in it.

As time passed, it became increasingly obvious that either the punch was spiked or everyone else was just scarily uninterested in it. You decided to leave it until someone else had the balls to become the guinea pig for it.

The dance floor had slightly gathered as the good music turned on. You watched as the aforementioned groups became a mix of different people everywhere. Jesus, they were dancing.

You watched as Cosplayers did their things and Makeup YouTubers did theres, and everyone emerged from their designated circles to squeeze either reactions or content from others in a desperate crawl. In all of hell would you see such a mess. Oh well.

You danced as well, slowly getting into it. It didn't feel scary like usual, it felt somewhat normal. You were randomly grabbed and twirled a few times, to the point where you were a little dizzy now but still going hard.

" Woahh.. "

" Sorry! " Rex moved you out of the way before you could accidentally collide with a couple in the midst of an arguement. Not ideal. You spun yourself back over to the punch bowl and stared into it yet again. Jesus. You were about seeing double.

You watched as the ladle dipped in and was pulled back out by a gloved hand, but couldn't see who it was through the lights and your now discombobulated vision. Hmm. Drinkable, as it's almost empty now it seems. You'll dilute it with water, it couldn't kill you.

You dunked the ladle in and poured yourself a semi-full cup before looking for some water to dilute it.

The water beside it somehow looked sketchier. Literally also in a bowl... and it was tinted purple. You sniffed it, seemed safe.

" HEEEEY! " You were shaken out of your trance by long slender fingers grabbing you by your shoulders and... physically shaking you, yeah. Your juice spilled on the floor a bit.

" Heyy. "

" Whatcha doin over here? Oh! Punch! I'm so damn tired! " She poured herself a cup too, filling it all the way up. Since yours got on the floor a little, you took a swig of it and placed it on the table to turn towards Layla. Speak.. words. Sentences...

" How is the punch? "

" Little tart. Not spiked though. " She was definitely lying. Its super spiked. Damn it. But it wasn't a big deal; Walking won't be a problem. Ohh wait. You checked your watch, it is literally 12 A.M. And you are 3 hours late. Your stomach had dropped to your ankles.

" Hey [Y/A], 're you posting the halloween special today? Mine just went live! "

You anxiously took another swig of juice to avoid the question, turning away.

From across the dance floor you met eyes with someone familiar again. Probably another person at the dining area earlier. Damn it, why is everyone coming out now? It was time to go! You tried to snake your way out of the crowd and were spun once again before successfully reaching the doors. You needed to get out of here.

Miraculously, there was the Outside. Finally, you made it.

It was cold. But you're only a few feet away from your hotel and vehicle. You slopped all the stuff from inside back into the suitcase, stole a hotel towel, and opened the door, running out.


Michael sat in his car, staring up at the now lit hotel room curiously. At first he worried that you went home, but it seems you are leaving approximately now.

Well he can't just let you drive home buzzed like that. What if you get hurt? He'd genuinely not forgive himself as a nurse if he let his idol die due to intoxication, or driving under the influence. He'll just trail behind you... Just to make sure you'd be okay by yourself.. It couldn't hurt.

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