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You chewed you nails in thought. It's been over 3 months since the last upload and that noticeable peak of the burst of activity. It's quieted down enough for you to survey it completely and decipher who/what started it, if anything.

Someone clipped the singing video and posted it online. Twitter; and the person who posted it didn't credit you directly, but rather put your name lower down in the thread of tweets, as if it was an afterthought. Though you were cheerful knowing that the post got a bit of traction, it felt odd having strangers compliment the little things about you so thoroughly. You were used to seeing youtubers have their funny or interesting gameplay clipped online, not your own voice; guttural and almost haunting you with wont.

The person who posted it seemed familiar but had a distinctly different username than anyone that frequented the comments on youtube, so you lazily scrolled around to do some psuedo-research. They posted a lot of other indie singers so you soon clicked off for lack of interest.

Dissatisfied with the outcome, you opened various editing programs and a few different typing documents to begin working on some upcoming ideas; One was a claymation video that's been in progress for years, and the other two were simply books.

Well. Better to be busy than dormant.

The first was some philosophy on medieval times and their traditions; dipping your toes into sociology. The other was a fictitious tale that most of your fans had came and stayed for; a drama/thriller about some characters that were made up on whim. Though it wasn't exactly a favorite, it still brought a smile to your face to introduce ideas and synopsizes/character observations to an anticipating audience.

You had begun to get so busy with the projects that you didn't have all the time in the world present to your audience..

The idea of hiring a manager pranced about your brain, more often lately. Someone to overview things. Maybe do some tinkering with editing the descriptions but otherwise out of youtube. Contacting others for a collab, filter social media things by urgency. The works.


The online interviews for a mananger went quite ...curiously. Most were white-collars that seemed to prioritize everything but the subject at hand. There was this one dude whose energy was inaccurate, in both it's intensity and lack-of professionalism. But, you weren't one to judge as he was very enthusiastic about the job.. and you surprisingly.

He was way too young and busy though, so you had to drop him.

The schedule screamed bad news and his overall composure made you feel like a teenage fan decided to sneak in instead of anyone hirable. There was 2 more like this, but they weren't very notable like he was.

It wasn't a complete bust; a few people that fit the criteria came through in the end. You decided on a few final candidates and used your guts to pick the concluding one.

Mr. Harther surely wasn't the cheapest, but he was pretty skilled. Knew his way around marketing, and apparently many people didn't want him because he was an older gentleman looking for casual work. It was odd, but you soon figured out that it was more so that communication really wasn't his strong suit.

He'll do. Thanks to him, it's no longer your job to create or manage an entire online store. And that was pleasant as anything in the world.


Now that he's here, you get fan emails and more serious business sponsorships automatically shipped to your phone, so when you got a notification, you dont tend to be that shocked anymore.

'From: GCallibrator

To: ImaginaryP, Tazaglitters , [Y/A], prodgurondo, (. . .)

Subject: Indie Youtuber Meetups 2017.'

You looked through all 80 other people tagged in the email and recognized not many. It was telling that the adresser didn't guise you under BCC, which meant business.

Scrolling down gave little closure but did raise your heartbeat considerably. One of the most famous indie youtubers picked you and a cluster of some people for a meetup.... You know a few of them have done countless videos with some of the most on-the-rise people right now! It was a money show.

'As you may see, I'm interested in organizing a YouTuber meetup. You guys all have something - interesting, unique, individual. I'm very keen in interviewing you all One-on-One on call.

I do want to meet as well and see how you preform in real life. You all seem very talented and this is a wonderful opportunity to create some content, meet fans, and make plans to collaborate.

I'm helping host the following events:

Cherrycon - 6/12/17

Summer In The City (SITC) - 8/6/17

Monstermash - 10/31/17

If you want to reserve your spots, talk about plus ones or hotel fees, and things like that, email! I look forward to our future,


You seriously had to stop yourself from fainting right there.

Life In Misery | fan!yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now