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You were sitting there wondering what it's all about. Michael was too still present, curled quite needily up to your arm, having it cradled between both of his in an embrace that felt previously vice tight. The boy was snoozing very loosely; his head was slack, leaning towards his chest more than anything. He's got a good grip despite being passed out, you thought, it's moderately concerning.

The outside didn't look much different than what you fell asleep too. The window was still blurry, yet frosted akin to something out of a movie. Visible snowflake structure and all. You peered at it for a moment before you got the idea that the sun was preparing to rise, It could be something like 07:50. With your best actor facade prepared, there was a moment of deep breaths, then you got to shaking Michael awake in like a crazed panic.

" Mike, Mike. " Over and over again, in a hushed voice. He woke up with a bleek, very sleepy face.

" Yes, my love? "

" I need- " You stopped, and processed what he called you. Oh, whatever, you needed him out now, " I need the bedpan, Please. "

He got up in a such a rush he tripped over himself out of the door, causing a ruckus down to what seemed like his "nurse station" in the place, maybe down stairs(?). You rolled over and checked the mattress; The item was safe, and he had not gotten to it yet. You debated on moving it - if it'd be safer on you or behind the bed-frame. It was all just too risky.

He came back with the bedpan and set it down gently on the bed, and he came close to assist with sitting forward.

" I'm sorry, " You said very weakly and very shy, " I think it was just a false alarm. "

" Oh that's quite alright, honey. I'll leave it under the shelf just incase. " And that he did. In the soft light of dusk, he clumsily leaned down and pushed it in under-casing, and brought himself back up. It's as if he was well rested, because in no time he was moving around and doing other stuff you didn't really understand. Taking this arbitrary item here, moving it to the left or right. You figured since he was in this good mood, and it was only getting better, it was a lovely time to ask questions.

" How long have you been a Nurse? "

" U-Um, 4 years. " He moved the clothes from the top drawer to the bottom one.

" Don't you spend alot of time in school for that? "

" No, not what I did. The most is uhh... Shadow work, but i've been shadowing since I was 12. "

You nodded pleasantly. So what did he want? A patient? You weren't really the A+ guinea pig. Most cannot remember your last regularly scheduled "adult physical", but who has time for those? Not to mention those goddamned multivitamins you never took.

" Do you like helping me? I mean, I hope the answer's 'Yes'. " You made your intonation more joke-esque and he did allow a bit of a laugh to escape. Too soft and long of a laugh, but you ignored it easily. He did not respond otherwise. You notice your feet have been elevated slightly by a roll of towels. But oddly they look like their purpose was to be purely decorative.

You made a very obvious thinking face, tapping your chin and allthat.

" When do you suppose, I could leave? " The question was asked softly and unconfrontational, imagining you were trying to persuade a small animal.

" Why'ld you need to leave? "

Instantly, You nodded very quick like and dropped the tapping hand, as if what he said made all the sense in the universe.. and that you were being superficial, " Oh, I mean. I'd feel bad not working, you see. I'm a working person - I've always been.

Life In Misery | fan!yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now