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Its 4:59 A.M. Why you're conscious is by true mystery. You think this often, and are terrified with the prospect of it being this way for the rest of your possibly short life. Short, because.. the pain is back. You're weak and brittle, barely even being able to sit up. This should be a hospital.

But it's not. Things should be extremely different. And for that, the feeling of dying an abrupt death plagues you every waking moment.

Everything was not as intense as you think it is.. Creepily so.
You predicted that it'd get worse the longer you're awake. But instead everything is peaceful.

Unfortunately you could not fully sleep again despite your bodies pleas, but you were able to get a shallow bit of eye-lid rest. You know if he got up or made any noise you'd be yanked right back out of your little meditation. But for now things were still..

Surprisingly, around an hour later, he came barging in and scared the shit out of you and your broken extremities. Fuck that hurt. You had been awake since 5.

The bastard's done something to you, you feel it. He's just inherently guilty. Coming to face you, maybe? Bill you to hell like a true hospital would? His intentions really don't jump out at you. It's hard to decipher; from what's gathered they seem a median between of kind and ill.

" Oh-ah, Good morning. " His grin was practically audible - You had to hold back a low groan of annoyance and fear, " I was hoping you were awake.. "

You undug a smile for him. " Hello. "

" ..I just w-wanted to say..

At first I thought I was in love with your writing. But now, when I look at you, alone, in the humble light of my room.. " He flashed a grin so large you flinched again, " Your stories pale in comparison. Without you... they cease to exist. They'd be useless.
You, [Y/N], are a genius. "

That was odd. You were struck with pondering how he got your true name - Not the alias or even the stage name you had planted behind it.

Then again, the little rat had most likely gone through your wallet.

He stopped talking and let his mouth relax into a close-mouthed smile. Now you just sort-of wanted the pills.

" I brought you your medicine, "
He started, but you were keen on him dancing around it. There was a heavy pause, and his lips recurled upwards.

He knows what he's done to you, what he's currently doing. You'd been waiting awake for hours now. And even if not, the pain would be unbearable now that you're up.

Each eye could only focus on the tube-shaped capsules of mini-heaven in his hands. Please! You brain screamed. Your heart felt like it had wrapped its arteries around each rib like fingers and begun to shake. Fucking hand them over!

" I know how much you want 'em...."

" U-Uh-huh.. " You tipped forward, watching his fingers. Suddenly your mouth went parched.

" I just have a question- "

" Hey, Mikey, my legs are killin' me, " You had lost all shame in begging and unconsciously leaned everfoward, as if distance was the singular thing halting him. Your legs hurt, and that's why this felt so dirty.

Not only were you now plainly an addict, you're an addict with an ulterior motive. And the motive shouted volumes louder than anything else in the world. You almost couldn't hear over your ears ringing.

As for Michael, though it was very hot to hear you beg like that, he had something different in mind. " I know, I know. I was just wondering... "

The jaw sat uncomfortably connected to your top set of teeth... Just need the pills. There is nothing else this necessary in life. They're right there. Things will be so much better.

" You.. Don't mind if I take a peak of the inside of your bag, do you? Heh, I remember you saying you kept a notepad so you could write whenever. "

That you did. But you said it in a comment on a video far older than your memory stretches.

" No, of course I don't mind, Mikey... Now, please- "

He shot a warning look over.

" Good. When I looked, I saw that there were actually multiple ones... and also, that you brought some other things with you. " He raised his eyebrows, staring at you almost disappointedly.

" I find your time analysis books interesting. They aren't Anastasiac or Clover, buuut they're good. You wont mind that I look through it more, do you? "

" Not at all.."

You smiled. Completely submissive, defeated, deflated.

" That's right. Because I'd never done such a thing without your permission. You keep my world spinning. I couldn't bring myself to disrespect you or your artwork like that. "

He held his palm out and you all but smashed your face against it trying to get to the pills.

" I do love you a whole bunch. " After saying that, he reddened deeply and retracted his hand. " G-Goodnight. "

You were just glad he didn't expect you to be awake to respond. Him silently insisting that you slept while he stared, running his hand over your hair, though.. it wasn't ideal.

It was also probably only 8 A.M.

Life In Misery | fan!yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now