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You awoke finally feeling somewhat reanimated. That was a very good rest. However, you noticed you were poked in the arm and hooked up to this big thing in addition to the old heart monitor you were put on yesterday. There was no needle still there and all, so you weren't particularly alarmed. Just that hard plastic.

I.V? Pain meds? For what? What was he up to? A masked figure walked into the room, but with the slouch and slow creep towards the bed, you could just tell it was your old life-long friend.

You recognized that he was holding a hand saw.

" Oh-Hey, Mike, " you were trying your best to keep composure seeing that thing in your deranged friend's hands. What the hell is up? And how did he even get it? " What do you got there? You're scarin' the shit out of me. "

He laughed a bit under the mask. Not the most comforting thing in the world.

" I'm taking off your legs. "

" Now, hold on Michael, I don't think it's that bad. " You reached up to push him away but he's unusually strong for his stature. " There's really no need, and if anything, yesterday I was thinking I don't need the meds-"

He turned it on, which frightened the life out of you. Jesus. Your legs were still elevated so you couldn't really move them around, but you hammered at his arms in a meek attempt to stop him.

He went diagonally down the cast, which at first had you under the impression he was trying to torture you.

He meant he's taking off the casts,

what the fuck.

He enjoyed seeing you beg and so distressed, but it was a real shame that you took him for someone that would mutilate you like that - He means, He would if it was necessary, but it wasn't proper with how sweet and good you've been.
This stench that permeated the air smelled like... something stuffed with something dead after laying out in the hot sun.

He removed both of your casts for the first time and you honestly weren't at all surprised. It was like you just burned up. You could make out a knee - if it was constructed, he did a fine job of it - but that was.. all.

Your leg was only knee it seemed, the calf was barely identifiable. The skin on the front; especially the kind that would be tight against the bone, was the worst of it. Truly it was an uneven mess, however there was no doubt that that was not the worst of it. The bones were.
Maybe before now the mess you saw under the covers was your bones sticking out of your skin, now you can't deny it actually had much more form than before. No more distinct lumps.

Cleaning and dressing your legs, you remained silent as you wiped the stress tears off of your own face. He began layering what looked sort of like paper mache and you almost laughed. But he continued to be very silent the entire time, even when he was entirely finished.

You didn't notice a trolley of things there until he began placing everything back onto it to roll it back out of the door.

You sat up, adrenaline still stinging your senses. The new casts looked very similar, however your legs were packed in much tighter now than you ever remembered them being. You also had on this hilarious thing that looked like a cast-made pair of undies that connected to your shoulders. What was it an.. Abstruction? Absuction cast? Those things terrible, ugly things..

You waited for him to return with a handful of candies. They were little coffee flavored and quite small in size.

" I think I'll write today. "

He looked very surprised, " Really? "
You nodded slowly. " Yes. I'll... Actually, In a little bit. "

He looked overjoyed. Oh, he couldn't wait to see.

Life In Misery | fan!yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now