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His eyes meet the eyes of the talented dancer.

For a second Little is mesmerized, he somehow got lost in the dark, almost black eyes of the dancer.
Even when the male broke the eye contact, Little still couldn't look away, the new man looks out of this world, his style, his appearance everything seems out of this world - Little's world.

„Thank you Namjoon for the offer, it would be a big help if I could rent your apartment for a while." the dancer now says, facing the taller male.

„Of course, Jung." Namjoon flashes him a big smile, before shaking hands with the man. He's wearing a light blue loose jeans and a white shirt tucked in his jeans, silver jewelry hanging around his neck, his black hair sitting almost perfect on his head. He looked fashionable and stunning in Little's eyes.

„Then I will get my stuff." the new man says before flashing a charming smile at the other males in the room and leaving the small building.

Taehyung's eyes follow him till he was out of his sight.

„Glad you came Little." Joon's voice interrupts Little's thought as he finally looks to his friend.

„Oh- yeah I wanted to clear my head from all the studying." Taehyung answers, making Joon nod in response.

„If you want to calm down we can play chess anytime." the older responds, earning a soft smile and nod from his friend. Before they could continue their talk, the door right behind Little opens, a familiar short male entering the room.

As soon as he recognizes Taehyung, a teasingly smile appears on his plump lips, „Oh my God, isn't that our handsome Little?"

The next second Taehyung feels an arm around his shoulder pulling him close to the sweaty and dirty boy. Little scrunches his nose, not liking the thought of getting his light colored cloths dirty.

„Hello JM." he simply says pressing his lips together. He looks at the male next to him for a second, his hair bright red, a pretty strange hair color in Little's eyes. But Jimin loves to experiment with his hair color and styles.

„Woah you are getting more handsome every time you come by." Jimin says, a big grin on his lips, „and somehow taller!"

The other's start laughing at Jimin's comment, JM himself not being the tallest guy, looked like the ‚little' one next to Taehyung.

Jungkook and Jimin have known Taehyung since 7th grade when the twins moved to town. They went to the same school like Taehyung, always teasing him when they got the chance too. But they never meant to be mean. They love to tease others, just for the fun of it but not to hurt them. It's some strange way to show that they like someone. But somehow it didn't work quite well with Little.

Especially Jimin always tried his best to befriend with Taehyung but he figured out the other maybe doesn't like people like him, so he loves to tease him even more. Being the first openly gay person in the neighborhood, Jimin sometimes takes his tease and jokes on this level, trying to seduce Little from time to time - but just teasingly.

„We should finally change that nickname of yours.", JM adds, his arm still around the other male, pulling him even closer.

No one responds to his suggestion, all of them knowing this nickname will stick to Little for the rest of his life.

Little finally manages to escape Jimin's grip, now standing next to Joon, fixing his round glasses and hoping that someone will change the topic and the focus won't be on him anymore.

„So who was the handsome man?", JM asks openly, leaning against the counter and rubbing some motor oil off his arm.

„Oh that- he's a professional dancer and new to town.", Joon simply answers, „said he wanted to settle down for a while."

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