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A/N: hey I would really appreciate it if you vote a bit more & leave a comment, thank you my dears <33


Waiting. Waiting has never felt longer then after Taehyung left Hoseok in his mother's hands. It's been a very long hour until his mother finally left the room she went into, heading straight to her son.

„M-mother- how is he?" Taehyung asks with a shaky voice, grabbing the arm of his mother as she took a halt in front of him.

„He's good now." His mother explains, „And he will be fine. He got one broken rib and a concussion. He has to stay at the hospital for a few days."

Taehyung nods and feels relieved, knowing that the broken rib will heal fast and won't keep Hoseok from dancing for too long, even though it still depends on the fracture itself. For the concussion he will have to stay at the hospital for a while to be monitored by the doctors.

„Thank you, mother." Little mumbles, going back to take a seat since he won't be able to meet Hoseok till the next morning.

„Go home my son. You should rest." His mother says placing his hand on Taehyung's shoulder as she sits down next to him. He hasn't felt her comfort for a long while and is quite surprised by her motherly actions towards him.

„No I will not leave. I'm staying here until he wakes up." Little responds serious, not looking into his mother's eyes. He's still mad at her and his father for not accepting who he is but now he's still thankful towards her for helping Hoseok and making sure that he's fine.

A sigh leaves her lips, „We miss you at home, Little. Please come back and let's talk about everything."

„Mother I- I'm not in the mood to talk about that right now when my lover just got beaten up." Little interrupts her now finally looking at her face.

She looks back at him with a desperate look in her eyes but she accepts it and decides not to bring up this topic anymore. At least not tonight.

„What happened in the first place?" She asks after a short moment of silence, showing Little that she's really interested and worried about what has happened.

„We were having a performance together and.. after that we wanted to go home but some men stopped us and- and they b-beat him up, they- they didn't touch me just H-Hobi." Little explains, his eyes filling with tears again as he remembers the situation from before, where he had to watch his lover being beaten up by some strangers and himself being totally helpless.

„I'm glad that nothing happened to you, Little." His mother responds softly, grabbing his hand to squeeze it softly, „But I'm sorry this had to happen to your- lover."

Taehyung looks up from their hands to look into her eyes since he's surprised that she referred to him as Little's lover and didn't call him other names like in the past. She seems sorry for how she acted earlier, how she reacted to him saying that he's in love with a man and maybe other things she has done in the past to hurt and control her son.

Maybe she has realized that it's not important what job your kid does or whom he's in love with. It's important that he's happy with himself and his life.

But it's still a hard pill to swallow for her.

„He didn't deserve this. Hoseok is the greatest person, the kindest and gentlest man I know." Little mumbles looking down on his feet, „He has a really big heart and wonderful mind, he's a good person, mother, really."

His mother sighs in result, it's not easy for her to hear these words coming from her son but now after days of not seeing and speaking to him she started to really miss him and to be afraid of actually losing her oldest son. And it's not worth it.

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