twenty five.

149 19 40

A/N: lovely song added above! Enjoy reading <33


"I love you too, Hobi."

These words were enough for the elder to make his whole face bright up, the insecurity he had telling Little the feelings he has for him, is gone and is now replaced by happiness and joy.

Coming to Sunroadtown was just for him to start over, to settle down for a while, to build himself something. Never did he think he would find love, on his way finding himself.

Both of them were smiling like idiots, happy idiots, before connecting their lips for another short but lovely kiss.

"I'm so lucky, being able to be with someone as wonderful, as beautiful, as smart and as kind as you." Hoseok whispers against Little lips, making the younger look into his eyes with so much admiration and love. His eyes are sparkling as they look into Hobi's dark ones. Never has anyone looked at Hoseok the way Little does. And this fact alone, makes his heart melt but at the same time jump out of joy.

The younger however feels his face heating up at Hobi's lovely words, making him feel all warm and safe. Even though it is scary to him. Somehow.

It's hard to explain, because on one hand he's extremely happy and totally in love with Hoseok, but on the other hand, it's slightly scary, being with a man, being a homosexual couple. His friends are okay with it, but what about his parents? He loves Hoseok but he also loves his parents. Telling them that's he's with a man, will disappoint them.

They will tell him that it's wrong, that two males shouldn't be dating, that it's not normal and not supposed to be. They will tell him to stop seeing Hoseok, to find himself a woman to marry and to raise children together. They will tell him that the church, that God wouldn't want him and Hoseok to be together, that their reputation as the wealthy doctors with smart and kind children will be destroyed if he comes out as gay.

But it's not wrong - love is not wrong.

Loving Hoseok is so wonderful, Little can't be any happier. Being with the elder, getting his love and affection, talking to him, going out with him, dancing with him - all of that makes Taehyung so happy. He feels like he can be himself when he's with Hoseok, like there are no limits for him. And nothing about that is wrong, even if his parents, the church or the society is telling him otherwise.

Still, it's new to Taehyung. His heart is telling him it's alright, as long as he feels good about it. His mind is telling him, that it won't be easy, if others, especially his parents, find out about it.

As beautiful as it is, it's also scary.


"Hey- hey wake up, sleepyhead!" Hoseok softly says while caressing Little's arm to wake him up. The younger blinks a few times before opening his sleepy eyes to look at the male in front of him. Hobi looks sleepy too, but even with messy hair and clothes, he is extremely handsome.

"I made breakfast." Hoseok adds, while Taehyung yawns and stretches himself, finally opening his eyes fully.

"What time is it?" The younger asks with his raspy morning voice, making Hoseok chuckle while ruffling his hair to mess it up even more.

"It's only 8am but I have to go to the practice room." The elder responds, leaning down to place a kiss on Taehyung's head, "After all I'm still a dance teacher."

A smile forms on Little's lips as he nods and slowly gets up from the bed to head to the bathroom. After freshening himself up, he approaches Hoseok who's waiting at the dining table for his partner to eat together.

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