twenty four.

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Arriving at Hoseok's place, the younger immediately asks if he can use his phone to call his parents.

The phone is hanging next to the kitchen and while Hoseok goes to his room to get himself ready for a shower, Taehyung dials the number of their phone.

„Hello?" His mother says from the other side of the line.

„Hello mother, it's me Little." He says suddenly feeling nervous as he wants to tell his mother that he's not coming home.

„I- I told you I will help a friend of mine. And it's quite late now so I will be staying over at his place." Taehyung explains and waits for his mother to respond but it got quiet on the other line.

A sigh leaves her lips, „Is it that dancer guy again?"

Taehyung bites his lower lip, he really hoped she wouldn't ask any questions. „Yes, mother." He responds after hesitating shortly.

Even though he hoped she wouldn't ask him, he still knew she would somehow want to know where and with whom he's staying. It makes sense of course. But he really hopes she won't yell at him or tell him to come home.

After all he's old enough to stay over at other people's houses.

„You know that we don't want you to hang out so much with someone like him." She says making Taehyung frown at her response. Why is she saying that?

„What- you don't even know him." Little says keeping his voice low so Hoseok wouldn't hear it right away.

„We know people like him." His mother answers, making Little's heart beat faster and the frown on his forehead bigger. He can't believe that she's judging Hoseok without even knowing him. It makes him angry and disappointed.

Before he could respond something he suddenly feels two strong arms around his waist, hugging him from behind.

His anger is replaced by a warm and secure feeling in his chest, warmth spreading through his body as Hoseok hugs him from the back. Soft kisses are being placed on the back of Little's neck, making the younger close his eyes while a shiver runs down his spine.

He sighs softly, half because of his mothers behavior, half because the kisses of the elder make his whole body feel numb and amazing.

„This is an exception. I want you to be home in the morning." She says in response and Taehyung doesn't even feel like thanking her for that. Because it's normal for his age to have sleep overs, to be out long and to come home late.

And they can't control with whom he spends his time  with.

„Good, see you tomorrow mother. Have a good night." He says and without waiting for her response he hangs up to turn around to his lover.

Immediately placing his arms around Hoseok's neck, he pulls the elder into a passionate and loving kiss. Their lips are moving in sync, so perfectly against each other.

There's no better feeling in this world, in Little's world. Never has he felt this good before, this completed. With Hobi he feels like he can touch the sky and achieve anything he wants to achieve. Hoseok makes him feel limitless as if there's nothing to hold him back, as if he can be anything and anyone he wants to be. Hoseok opened his eyes to a new world full of opportunities, passion and fun.

Hoseok is the first one to pull away, removing his lips from a slightly breathless Taehyung.
The younger has his eyes closed a little bit longer than Hoseok, giving the older male the opportunity to admire his beauty.

„We should get showered." Hoseok says making Taehyung chuckle and nod in response.

„You can go first." The elder adds and as Taehyung agrees, Hoseok gives him some clothes to sleep in.

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