twenty three.

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A/N: sorry for not updating yesterday!! Here's the chapter, hope you like it! 


The following weeks passed by fast. Taehyung enjoyed every single day, spending his best summer with Hoseok and his other friends.

Yes friends because he finally gets along with JM and JK, now considering them as his friends. He would often spend time with them in the garage, sometimes even helping out the best he could or just hanging around with them after their shift. On their days off they would go to Yoongi's shop together just to be with him, more over annoy him but secretly he truly enjoys the company of the youngers.

Little's siblings came back from summer camp, school would be starting soon and the eldest of them tried to spend as much time as possible with them. They would go to the park together or visit Jin and Junior or the garage boys. They even met Hoseok for the first time and ate ice cream together. The elder really gets along good with children and it made Taehyung so happy that they liked Hoseok.

Hoseok - who wouldn't like him? He's truly amazing, a wonderful person and Little can't help himself from falling in love with him more and more with every day passing.

They complete each other in so many points, like a perfect puzzle. Spending almost every day together made them grow together even more, Little would often help him with his dance classes, doing the organization or even showing dance moves with Hoseok to the kids.

In return Hoseok started showing him how to drive, trusting his car to Little so that they can practice on a parking lot in the middle of the night. It was an up and down, Little isn't a good driver yet, they would laugh and sometimes even argue but in the end they had so much fun, Hoseok enjoyed teaching Little how to drive. The rest of the night they would spend stargazing or kissing in Hoseok's car.

Hoseok and him would drive around, visiting different cities, while Little's parents were at work. Hoseok showed him a few places and they discovered new ones together.

Everything is perfect, their relationship is developing just like their feelings for each other. It's still unsure what they are, but it doesn't matter, as long as their feelings are real. They don't need a label for their relationship, what matters is that they are happy and no one can take that from them.

They still keep it low in front of the others, even though it's so obvious that the two of them are a thing. Just the way they look at each other or the secretly intertwined fingers, the close dances in the practice room, or just them being inseparable in general.

Everything speaks for their relationship and no one seem to have something against it.


It's a regular Sunday but Hoseok and Taehyung have different plans for today. Actually they have plans with the other members of their new founded group.

„Glad you could make it, thank you." Hoseok says as JM and JK enter the dancing room, followed by Joon whom he greets with a hug.

Little says hello too as they join him on the black sofa of the practice room.

„Yoongs and Jin should be here too soon." Namjoon says making Hoseok nod in response.

„I hope you are ready, it's going to be a lot of work." Hoseok says with a chuckle but the others shrug it off.

„There's no ‚a lot of work' for us." Jimin responds, his brother nodding in agreement. „They call us ‚the working twins' for a reason." Jungkook adds making the other chuckle in return.

Soon Yoongs and Jin arrive at the practice room.

„Now that everyone's here, let's start."

Hoseok had the idea to renovate the place since it doesn't look that good and modern. He wanted to paint the walls and change the lights, maybe add some decoration and a few plants. It should look more welcoming and brighter.

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