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Legend of the Aura Guardian

Before I start with this fic, just let me say that while this isn't my first time writing a fanfic, it sure is my first Pokemon fanfic. Till now, I have written only Percy Jackson fanfics. Those of you interested in reading can check the stories on my profile.

Summary :

It is about an Ash centric Pokemon fanfic. Note that this is an A/U. So, don't expect things to go similar to canon!.

It goes like, the protagonist's parents are aura guardians, killed by Giovanni. Ash, being the son of two aura guardians, is the 'Chosen one' of Arceus. At this time, Ash is at Professor Oak's camp. This is my take on Ash's Pokemon journey as he strives to become the Pokemon master and at the same time, find love and friendship . Hope you like it.

Basically an Ash x harem fic. Clever and stronger Ash. Also, Charmander starter.

I hope you are excited for this. Now, let's start today's badassery without any further delays.


Place : Unknown location

Third Person POV

Mana is the soul spirit power that each and every human and Pokemon has.

Pokemon show their mana through their attacks and other abilities. Hell, Arceus, the first being, showed his mana by creating Pokemon and humans.

But for humans, channeling their mana is extremely difficult. This may sound cliché, but the only humans even able to access their inner mana are the pure hearted ones. The ones who don't hold any kind of venom in their hearts.

These humans are Aura Guardians. The knights of Arceus himself. The bringers of justice. Aura Guardians. The way in which these Aura Guardians channel their mana is by concentrating on it to create a layer of energy around themselves. Their aura. It is blue in colour, and can take the shape of any object that the Guardian wishes, as long as the Guardian is strong enough.

Two of these Aura Guardians currently stood outside a huge dome shaped complex. The complex had a huge 'R' painted on it in blood red colour.

The Aura Guardians could hear the voices and presences of humans and Pokemon from inside the complex. The Aura Guardians took deep breaths and turned to each other. One of them was a male, while the other was a female.

The male Aura Guardian stood about six feet tall, and had raven black hair and shining silver eyes that shined with love as he gazed down at his female companion.

The female was about five feet seven tall, and had brown hair with warm brown eyes similar to her hair. Her eyes held the same love as she gazed up into the shining silver orbs.

"I know that this is the hardest mission of our lives. And the only reason I said yes to it was because you would be with me. I love you, Delia. I will always love you and our baby boy Ash." The man said to the now identified Delia.

Delia smiled and spoke, "Ash is lucky to have a father like you. Marrying you was the best decision I ever made. I love you too, Shaun Ketchum." The man, now identified as her husband Shaun Ketchum, leaned down and pressed his lips to her's.

Before they could even pull back, Delia gasped in pain and fell to the ground. The next moment, a dart hit the male Aura Guardian, making his eyes widen. He grabbed the dart and threw it away, but found that he couldn't do so as he had lost control of his hand. He then felt his legs and other body parts go to sleep, before he plopped down to the floor. As his eyes were shutting, he saw a man in a black suit approaching them with a huge Rhyperior. Beside the man was a Persian, walking with the grace of a lioness.

Legend of the Aura GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now