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Well, I'm not dead.

It's been a very long time, huh?

Tbh, I've been so busy for the last few years that i didn't even have time to read.

But well, I'm back now. And seeing the amount of comments asking me if I'm good and well actually made me feel special.

Firstly, I wanna thank you guys for the love and support you've shown to me and my stories. and thus, I feel it would be selfish and horrible of me to keep you guys hanging.

So, I've come to a resolution that even if it is slow af, I'm gonna continue writing.

I'll update y'all about my life in the next few A/Ns, but for now, I'm back, with more ideas than ever.

Expect the next chapters for all 3 of my fics to be bangers . Also do comment which fic you want the first update for.

This being said, please comment your suggestions and reviews about all my fics. This will help me properly review my stories and thus plan the future.

Well, here's to reaching our set goal of 1 Million words.

Until Next time

Peace out


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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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