Chapter 1

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It had been only a few hours since George appeared at Dreams doorstep in Florida. Neither him, nor Sapnap had been expecting him so it took a few hours to ready the guest bedroom, during those few hours George.. George slept.
He dropped down on the couch, and slept.

"George! George wake up!" No response, Dream rolled his eyes and hit his friend in the face with a pillow, startling him awake.
"What the fuck?!" The brunette yelped, not really recognizing where he was at first he looked around, just then noticing Dream sitting on the floor next to the couch with a smug grin.
"Oh.. That's right." He finally remembers arriving at the mans' doorstep late in the evening. "How long have I slept?" Dream shrugged, Sapnap was now preparing dinner, which might be a bad idea to let him specifically do. "Few hours maybe." George looked around some more. The house wasn't exactly clean, but it wasn't filthy either. Just messy enough to annoy him.
"We prepared a bedroom for you if you wanna sleep some more before dinner." George finally sits up more properly and goes to stand up. That is before realizing he has no idea where this bedroom is.

"Need help?" Dream asks, still with that smug smile. "Shut up and get me there." George groans sleepily, his voice drifting off slightly.
"Alright, alright. You could've just asked like a normal person would." Dream also gets up and starts making his way to the door, his tall figure somewhat towering over the Brit.

"Tall asshole.." George complains quietly as he follows after his friend. He was amazed by the big house. Living on his own in a small apartment in London made him forget how big some houses could be.
"What's for dinner?" He questions. Dream looks back slightly. "Probably pizza, Sap will probably mess the original dinner up again." George stifled a laugh at Sapnap's usual stupidity, before hearing their raven haired friend yell from the kitchen to stop laughing at him, or he'll mess up on purpose.

George kinda lost track of the yelling after a while, Dream was now yelling at Sapnap to stop yelling, making the ravenette only scream louder.
'Maybe I should've gone somewhere else.. Wilbur's place seemed more quiet at least.' He thought as Dream finally opened a door to a sunlit room. It was cleaner than the rest of the house, the best thing George noticed was a PC on the small desk. His equipment hadn't arrived yet so he didn't have his own mic but he also saw what he suspected was Dream's old microphone.
"We set something up for you, we didn't know how long you're staying so.. You're welcome as long as you want." Dream added the last bit quickly. George just nodded and collapsed on the bed.

Dream stayed in the room with him, just catching up on what had happened and why George was even in Florida.
"The owner of the apartment I lived in kicked me out. I was already planning to come here so figured it would be best to just catch the flight on time and send my stuff with it." George explained somewhat sadly. Dream nodded, neither him, nor Sapnap knew he was planning to come in the first place, but like he already said. George was always welcome.
"So your stuff is still on the way?" George nodded, he wondered why it took so long but knew things like that could take long, especially if going from England all the way to Florida. "How long do you think you'll stay?" Dream wanted a number, it didn't have to be that specific but he wanted to know whether he had time to do what he wanted to do with George. And Dream has a lot of ideas of what to do.

"Dunno yet. at least a few months." Yeah but how many? Dream also dropped down on the bed next to the brunette, their legs touching just slightly.
Before they could do or say more they heard Sapnap call from the kitchen that dinner is ready.
"And not messed up!" He adds before Dream can make another joke about it.
They go downstairs and the first thing Sapnap does is look at his friend.

"Now. why the fuck are you here?" He sounded unusually serious, maybe a bit concerned thinking something happend.
"Got kicked out of my apartment." George stated shortly, taking a bite of the meat on his plate and getting the erge to throw it out the window. he put down his plate on the coffee table.

"Hey Dream.." George said. The blond looked down at him, also neglecting his plate, this one on the couch. "Yeah?"
"Pizza sounds pretty good."

{A-N: Hey Morons, author here :) This is my first DNF fanfic, maybe the only one I'll ever make.
Please do not shove anything of this down the c.c. throats, if they say anything about being uncomfortable with this ship I'll delete this on the spot.}

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