Chapter 3

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George had few of his things with him, luckily including his shampoo and things like that. And a few clothes, three hoodies, a sweater he had in his hand bagage, 4 pairs of jeans, 4 long-sleeve t-shirts, and 3 regular shirts. And of course clean underwear and stuff. But that was about it for the clothing he'd taken in his bagage in the plane.

He knew he had to get new stuff before his own stuff arrived, but for now he really didn't want to go out. He just wanted to sleep.

{Fast forward a few months}

George had settled down in his room after hanging out with Dream and Sapnap the whole day and started up his PC.
Georges stuff had arrived a few weeks after he arrived in Florida and he could finally play on his own trusted computer, microphone and everything else he didn't have before.

Right before starting up stream Dream barged in.
"I'm about to start stream, so unless you want people to see your face I recomend you close that door." George states before Dream can even say anything. Dream just looked at him and put on his mask, which he'd been holding behind his back.
"Streaming on your own? Sounds boring." George hit the button to start stream and at the same time called Quackity via Discord, still looking at Dream.

"Hey George, why so late? I already started up my stream." Quackity states overly excited as always. "Sorry, Dream barged in out of nowhere." George states, now also starting up the game him and Quackity were going to play. Little Nightmares.

"Quick thing chat, this is a horror game a from what I've heard it contains some triggering things." George states, seeing the chat get all excited for the game he wasn't worried, but still warned anyone that didn't know what it was.
"Yep, same thing for my chat. Horror game. Will contain shit some of you don't wanna see." Quackity agreed as Dream sat down on Georges bed.

The room hadn't changed much since George arrived, besides one of Dreams hoodies in the corner from a time he fell asleep on the floor next to the bed and in his sleep threw it there and didn't bother picking it up in the morning. And a few LED lights along the wall behind the bed, so chat could see them.

About halfway through the game Dream said something to George that sent him off into not so subtle gay panic, only amusing the blond more. George just experienced a small scare and out of instinct let out a small yelp, which was already embarrassing enough to him, but of course, Dream being Dream, he had to make it worse.
"I can make you scream louder then that." George had never turned off his mic faster. He was already muted in his call with Quackity so he didn't hear that. George was pretty sure chat had heard him but he hoped not.
"Dream?!" Dream started wheezing and fell back onto the bed.

"What happened? George?" George quickly turned back to the stream and realized he'd died from something. He unmuted himself and turned back on his mic for stream as well.
"Ehm.. It's nothing. Just Dream being an ass." He muttered, trying to hide the embarrassment obviously painted on his face. Luckily Quackity let it go pretty quickly as they continued playing. Chat didn't let it go that quickly, despite not knowing what had been said it was very obvious it flustered the Brit, and Dream had caused it.
I hope you can imagine what the chat looked like after that.

During the game Dream kept making subtle comments towards George, so much that even Quackity started the notice George getting more flustered by the second.
"Can you shut up Dream?" Dream didn't seem to hear him and kept making the comments.
"Dream seriously, stop distracting George. You can fuck after." Quackity chimed in. George looked at the camera more flustered then ever. Dream just wheezed and finally stopped, giving one last statement saying that he will.
"Dream no!" George protested, getting redder by the second. This didn't really help as now Quackity was laughing as well.

When the laughter finally died out, Dream left and George could finally finish the game. After he finished he stayed on stream for a while before ending it with a raid to Quackity's stream, who would be streaming for another while.
George goes downstairs to grab something to eat when he hears laughter coming from the living room. He peaks his head around the corner and notices Karl on George's usual chair. He looks up in surprise at his British friend.
"Hey George!" Sapnap now also noticed him, he's sitting on the couch opposite of Karl so couldn't see George at all. "Hey George, you don't with your horror game?" Sapnap turns around to face the brunette.
"Yeah, where's Dream?" Sapnap shrugs his shoulders as to state he doesn't know either. "I though he said he'd go to see you play again.." Karl mutters, not really interested.

And with those 'answers' if you could even call them that, George went to the kitchen to grab a snack, like he was planning before.
Before he even reached the kitchen he felt a hand around his wrist. He turned around and saw Dream towering over him slightly.
"Sap said you were looking for me." He states shortly, that wasn't really true, he'd been eavesdropping on George and Sapnap's conversation, but he wasn't planning to tell George that.

"Y-yeah. Could you maybe.. Let go off my arm?" George said it somewhat hesitantly to his own surprise. Dream looked down and quickly did as told.
"Sorry." George shrugs it off, before opening the door to the kitchen. Dream watched as George made his way to the fridge and grabbed the carton with orange juice, not even bothering to close the fridge he screwed open the lid, but stopped when a displeasing smell crossed his nose. Dream raised an eyebrow when George looked at the expiration date and scrunched his nose.
"Ew." Just then he started making his way there himself and also looked at the date. "I think it's expired." He states nonchalantly. George looked up at him unimpressed.
"You think?" The expiration date was '3/6/21'. It is now 7 October. Dream chuckled and took the carton to empty it in the sink.

"There's chunks in that." George commented when he saw the orange juice flow down the drain with surprising difficulty. Dream looked at him just as unimpressed as George had looked at him.
"You think?"

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