January 12

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A life without God is not a life.

Apart from God, we have no good thing.

I can only imagine how hard it was for the Israelites during their captivity and slavery to the enemies. To wake up every morning, enduring the oppression they are experiencing.

It must have been long tiring day working in the field, and gaining nothing in return. It must have been a helpless situation that no matter how you cry out, no one is there to rescue you.

That exactly happened as a punishment to their stubborness and disobedience.

So, when God disciplines you on a character he wanted to change, it will surely be overwhelming. It will not only make you cry but will turn your knees down, sincerely crying for mercy, grace and chance.

It will not only cause you bleeding wounds but broken heart and bones. It will change you.

It will hurt. But you'll get better.

What the Lord did to his people is a form of his discipline as a father. He cleanses and washes our sins through His process. His process requires breaking so He can make us whole again. It involves crying and mourning, so we can be filled with joy in the end.

It might be a long process but trust Him, it's for your best.

So, if you're experiencing hardship now, it might have been God, telling you to stop being hard-headed, turn away from sins and start seeking him instead.

The Book of Lamentations in Chapter 5 verses 15-22 is a proof that God allows us to be tested. That we can not fully live without him. And that being away from Him, is becoming far from the fountain of blessings.

Joy is gone from our hearts;
our dancing has turned to mourning.(A)
16 The crown(B) has fallen from our head.(C)
Woe to us, for we have sinned!(D)
17 Because of this our hearts(E) are faint,(F)
because of these things our eyes(G) grow dim(H)
18 for Mount Zion,(I) which lies desolate,(J)
with jackals prowling over it.

19 You, Lord, reign forever;(K)
your throne endures(L) from generation to generation.
20 Why do you always forget us?(M)
Why do you forsake(N) us so long?
21 Restore(O) us to yourself, Lord, that we may return;
renew our days as of old
22 unless you have utterly rejected us(P)
and are angry with us beyond measure.(Q)

Nothing in this world can separate us from the love of our God for us. He might teach and discipline is the hard way but as a loving father, He will always give chance and wait for you to come to Him and be part of His family.

Come and see how graceful our God is. The time is running. Don't be too late.


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