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Dressed to impress I walked hurriedly down the sidewalk on my way to the very familiar coffee shop. I wasn't late per se, but I was later than I would have liked, having skipped breakfast because I couldn't go a second in that apartment without wanting to touch or undress one of my soulmates. A weird development I'd most likely would have to be open about in the future, but that I currently kept under the blanket of hidden thoughts, like a dirty secret I was embarrassed about.

I was neither afraid nor ashamed that my relationship with the guys had spun towards a more sensual dynamic, the eagerness of knowing I could have them like this almost overpowering the tiny sliver of reason in the back of my mind telling me that an unaffected Hannah would want a separate triggering moment with each of them. The "I had sex with Namjoon so now naturally I should have sex with Yoongi" mentality didn't pass as reasonable in my mind and I was glad that even though I could clearly feel the soulmate connection pushing me towards them, I still had my own clarity helping me move through my life a little more level headed.

Letting the warm aroma of baked goods and coffee wash over me when I entered the shop I was met with the familiar faces of Yuri and her grandmother who both welcomed me in.

"You're early! I don't finish until 2. Did I write the wrong time in the t-"

"No you're fine Yuri! Sorry for not responding earlier.. I slept in this morning, figured I could get breakfast here before we leave."

"Oh! Yeah that's no problem! Black coffee and something sweet right?"

I giggled, pushing the embarrassment of being so much of a regular to the point she knew my order out of my head and nodded to Yuri, paying for my breakfast and walking to the table that always seems to be waiting for me just like it had the first time I visited this place.

The comfortability of being somewhere enough times to where it becomes comfort rather than a task made Korea feel more like a home than it previously had. Small things like knowing where to go if you needed a mart, the location of the closest bus stop, seeing the same people walk the streets and knowing they recognise you too. Those things make a place a home. Familiarity of an area, of a culture. I was slowly creeping my way towards that and any millimetre in the right direction made me giddy.

"One large coffee, and one chocolate cookie hot from the oven for the beautiful lady" Yuri sang as she made space on the table to put down my order. I could feel my mouth salivating from the smell of the chocolate and the coffee combined. It had almost ended up being some sort of ritual coming here whenever I needed to relax and disconnect. Yuri was a happy coincidence I was glad had ended up inching towards a real friendship, something I desperately needed in this country.

Time passed quickly and before I knew it I tuned the circus of my soulmates' voices in my head off and focused entirely on Yuri as we walked down the street towards whatever she had planned for the day.

"I really hope this won't be too much. I'm thinking we go down to the fashion market a couple blocks away from here, they always have hidden treasures, and it makes me really happy to walk through there and look at all the pretty things. Then I have some friends who wanted to hang out and when you didn't answer I got scared I'd be alone today so I told them they could tag along, and now here you are and I kinda haven't canceled so.."

I smiled at her, trying not to show how unbelievably happy it made me just thinking about meeting more people here, making acquaintances that were mine entirely, separate from the extreme existence of being in a 8 person soulmate cluster.

"Yuri, I would love to meet your friends" I professed calmly. "I don't know anyone who's not my soulmate or Martin in this city. You don't have to feel bad for anything. I'd love to meet more people"

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now