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"Hannah? Are you okay?" Jimin asked, his hand suddenly on my arm and even without the soulmate connection a sense of calm traveled to where he was touching me. It soothed the panic for another second before Yoongi's words in my mind had me stand up and look around, ripping my arm away from Jimin in an attempt to make space between us.

"Jimin, you need to go right now. You can't be here. Leave us please." I backed away from him. Jimin stood up too his eyes scares as he started moving towards me.

"It's fine I swear, I've talked to every-"

"It doesn't matter, you need to go back to the others. Right now, I don't have time to explain." I interrupted him harshly, knowing my reaction was anything but nice but he needed to not be around me.

I was frantically looking around me trying to find an exit, somewhere to go where people wouldn't see me. Somewhere safe and out of the public eye. My heart was beating at an inhuman speed and I could feel the sweat form under my clothes. My panic was rising and I needed to get to somewhere I could calm down. Somewhere people wouldn't find me. Somewhere where I wasn't a liability, somewhere I wouldn't be seen when it would inevitably happen.

"If anyone asks, I went to the bathroom." I said as I turned to Martin before I walked quickly but not suspiciously so towards a closed door in the other end of the room. I'd seen a server enter it just seconds earlier so my guess was that there would be a hallway behind it and most likely somewhere to hide.

I don't know how long I spent looking, but I finally found a closet with a lock that was far enough away from everyone else to ease my worries and allow me to hide.

Letting myself fall to the floor I clutched my chest trying to calm my sped up heart, but to no avail. As the seconds passed I could feel the panic approaching and the anxiety surrounding the idea of it coming now made it gallop even faster towards me before it hit.

Stars sparkled in my eyes, the darkness of the closet overwhelmingly dark. I was shaking, the room was spinning. I was all alone.

"Please breathe baby. I'm so sorry. Please!" Yoongi's voice rang through me like a string of silver and the healing of his soul's presence lasted for three seconds before I was back in my own head all alone.

"Yoongi where are you? I can't do this" I begged, my mind overwhelmed with every possible scenario of how wrong this could go, the tears in my eyes not even announcing their presence before they escaped down my cheeks.

"Sweetheart everything will be okay, I know this is scary I'm so sorry this is happening. Please focus on your breathing. I will find you soon. I will come to you"

The fear encapsulating me was like nothing I'd ever felt before. Bound in nothing but the dreaded reality of me being to blame for my soulmate being exposed. This wasn't about me. This was about them. About him. My breaths came in short quick intervals and I realised I was shaking even worse.

'You've been alone before' I thought to myself. 'how did we handle these when we had no one else?' my mind was spinning trying to look for an answer.

I caught my breath and tightened my fist until my nails hurt digging into the flesh of my palm. The pain was grounding me, clearing the reality slightly. As I let a deep breath go I felt my mind clear a bit and I finally willed myself to actually look around me.

I was in a janitors closet. Mops hanging on the wall, a tower of buckets in a corner. I was fine. I would be fine. Yoongi would come get me when it was over, and we could go home. Nothing would go wrong. He would come and get me.

The words repeated inside my head like a mantra. The calm I'd somehow produced cracked like thin ice and I didn't even have time to notice it escalating into full on hyperventilating before I had tried to speak the words out loud and they came in shaky syllables.

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now