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Yoongi's POV

"It's so fucking nice being back here." I stretched my body as long as I could make it across the bed, Jin hummed an agreeing sound next to me as he settled in before wrapping his limbs around my outstretched body in a suffocating hug.

"Mm I know baby, I missed you." Jin's face immediately searched out the nook of my neck and left small kisses against my skin as he settled in, the sensation making me tingle wherever his lips touched.

We'd gotten home a couple of hours ago, Jungkook was hungry beyond belief and ordered enough food for 15 and after quickly devouring it we had cuddled on the big couch until Jimin fell asleep and Namjoon carried him to bed. I'd been craving Jin's closeness for a while now without really acknowledging it within myself, but the second he suggested for me to follow him I couldn't get there fast enough, now laying beside him, it felt like my body was encased in a warm air that sent a calming comfort through my body and mind. Not much unlike what i felt whenever i was close to any of my soulmates, but some days there was just something extra about Jin. It was as if my body desperately needed him close, closer.

"After the party, when Hannah and I first got to the apartment. Did I ever tell you what the managers told me? I can't remember if i did, everything happened so fast and we were all disconnected mentally." I asked Jin, staring into the air waiting for his response.

"No, not that I can recall. The only thing i know about that night is you getting there and Hannah crashing. And after the fact we only ever discussed the future without mentioning the past events too explicitly. Did the managers call you?"

"No they followed me there, in a separate car. The first thing they told me was that I'd made a big mistake. A mistake! That instead of getting Hannah out of there I should have acted surprised, or even tried to pretend i didn't know. That i should have made the crowd think that was the first time I'd ever seen her."

"They-" Jin began, but I was getting emotional over my rant and interrupted him to continue, it would be better to have his opinion after I got it all off my chest..

"I mean tell me you haven't got a soulmate without telling me you haven't got a soulmate, am i right? How could they possibly think that when my soulmate is going through something traumatic and I can feel it inside my head and inside my heart that I would ever look at any of you with anything less than sympathy and a want to help ease the pain? They told me had I just pretended I didn't know she was my soulmate they could run a story about a fake stunt and play it off as a random occurrence, moving Hannah out of the building without an issue. As if she were some crazed fan who pretended to be my soulmate to try and trick me."

Jin's eyes searched mine, he was leaning his chin on my chest, looking up at me following my words, eyes glinting with emotion and his lips pouted sadly on his beautiful face. He was waiting for me to continue, lovingly knowing i needed to get this off of my chest.

"I've never hated our public status more than that in my life" I continued, brushing my hand through Jin's hair, mostly to ground myself into the feeling of him, memorizing the soft feel of his hair through my fingers and the weight of his body against mine.

"I felt your sadness and your anger that night." Jin began, sniffling a little, eyes fluttering closed in time with my scratching nails across his scalp.

"It felt like you were ripped apart in emotion, but you'd shut off like you do sometimes. I couldn't contact you. And I know you do that purposefully and that if you needed any of us we would have had access to your mind, so I didn't tell the others. Everyone were feeling so all over the place and your emotions were yours, and they were so laced with pain that I wished I could ease, but at the same time I know you and I know you know your limits."

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