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Hannah's pov.

Out of all the activities to drain energy from your body and soul, worrying about something that cannot be influenced or changed must be one of the dumbest kinds of them. Being aware of that fact did not stop me from doing that exact thing almost every second of my existence. However, in moments like these, when my legs are curled up underneath me on the couch and I'm close to everyone that I love, my heart warm, happy and content, I almost forget all of my worries. Staying sane is all about making sure your head doesn't fly off into wild thought like a helium balloon when it is let go under an open sky, and having someone to ground me and someone I knew I could grab on to if I felt like I was losing my grasp, I had faith in my sanity. Looking at my soulmates scattered around the room I was happy because I knew for certain we'd be able to keep each other's feet on the ground, and if staying grounded stopped being an option then we would fly together.

"It is so strange how my body is just content now that we're here" Taehyung commented while snuggling further into the plush sofa somewhere in between Namjoon and Yoongi's bodies. His brown fluffy hair was the only thing I could see from my place on the other side of Namjoon Taehyung was so encapsulated in his own comfort he had become one with the blankets and bodies. We had tried watching a movie but the plan went askew when Jimin and Hoseok couldn't decide on whether to watch a romantic movie or a scary movie and after a while we had just let it be with not watching anything and settled in each other's company.

As the hours went by our soul connection slowly but surely had reappeared between us, thoughts belonging to someone else trickling in like they'd always been there and the warmth in my chest kept growing as I could feel our shared abilities resurface. It was like a breath of fresh air and we were all unanimous in deciding we were sleeping here tonight, all of us. What could the media do, really, if they were to write a piece about the boys driving here and not being able to report them leaving? It would probably be some sappy article about how supporting Yoongi's "brothers" were in this time of need. I wonder how they would have angled it if they knew how supportive they actually were.

My skin was heating up in patches where Hoseok was repeatedly running his the tips of his fingers against it in soft patterns. It felt nice having him close, the movement was a constant reminder that his presence was real and not something out of a memory or a dream. It was odd being away from each other and only now, when I had all of them here, I knew just how big that space they were currently filling in me had been hollow in their absence.

Their company had called mere minutes after the guys had gotten here, informing them of their missed meeting as if they weren't aware. Further it was explained the meeting was to be about how they should to go forward with the soulmate news between Yoongi and I. Jimin almost screamed at the man on the phone telling him he had no right setting up a meeting like that without including Yoongi and me in the first place, but Jungkook shut him up and Namjoon handled it by telling them to write an email with everything they wanted to propose as ideas and to let us go through them all and tell them what we agreed with and what we didn't. I wondered if I'd ever get used to how famous they were and how much planning and logistical work is necessary for a group like theirs.

"We're not gonna be separate like that again. I'll handle it with the company, I won't have more unwanted time apart, it's not good for us." Namjoon speaks comfortingly, probably perfectly aware of what went on inside my mind, his voice muffled from where his mouth is pressed to the top of my head.

"At this point even going to the bathroom without you guys is difficult." Jimin whined adorably, falling back against the foot of the sofa from where he was cross legged on the floor in front of us.

"We know, Jimin, you literally brought Jungkook AND Jin to stand in the bathroom while you peed an hour ago"

"Kim Taehyung are you kink shaming me?"

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