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Lance: am i the only one that has noticed just how many hospital trips max makes?

Kimi: bwoah... just a chaotic child...

Max: can't help that i always seem to find myself there, all the time!

Kimi: kid, you got to get out of that house!

Max: what house?

Kimi: the one you live in! It's always someone that has hurt you physically there...

Seb: yeah. What's up with that? And why do you almost never tell us who it is?

Max: just don't want to talk about it...

Lando: i worry about you buddy!!

Carlos: we all do!

Charles: even i do...just a little...🤏🏻

Carlos: you care the most!

Charles: no I don't!

Carlos: yeah you do! You always look at the red bull garage, always ask if max hasn't hurt himself again! Always looks on your phone text messages! You worry for max 24/7 like Kimi but not platonic!

Charles: CARLOS!!!

Seb: so that's why you have a red bull cap hanging from your bag!

Daniel: hahahah you still have that thing!

Charles: i got it from max okay!!!

Max: I'm home!!! But getting yelled at by my gf...😔

Carlos: do you even really like her?

Max: hell yeah!

Lando: or are you dating her to please your dad?

Max: why would i do that for that prick?

Max: oh fuck!!

Kimi: what?

Nando: what?

Seb: what?

Max: I'm gonna get yelled at that for calling my dad a prick!! Way the go max!!

Esteban: your dad is a toxic asshole!

Max: i would love to say your right but I can't!

Max: got to go! Bye!! 👋🏻

Lando: max is weird...

Lewis: max comes over as an abused child...

Kimi: tell me about it. We're both man but he refuses to change with me near. Nor with anyone...

Daniel: max has never changed with someone else in the room. There is a reason why there are almost no pics of max in swimming trunks...

Lando: because he gets abuses?

Daniel: don't really know...max doesn't talk much about his family and stuff...

Charles: oh sacré enculé!!!

Carlos: what?

Kimi: what?

Charles: i live two levels below max and i can hear his dad and gf yelling at him again!!

Kimi: voi helvetti!!

Seb: lewis?

Lewis: yeah?

Seb: can you and Charles help max! Again!

Lewis: on it!

Charles: we're going to safe you max!! Again!!

(A/n) I don't have anything against Kelly but it's for the story...

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