58 the tea!

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Lando: CHARLES!! Give us the tea!!!

Lance: hell yeah!!

George: i wanna know too!!!

Carlos: i doubt that they will answer before noon!

Seb: I don't think they are gonna answer at all!

Dan: they probably stayed up late so don't expect them on their phones at eight in the morning!

Kimi: bwoah...you kids need to chill!

Alex: I can't!!! I need the tea!!

Checo: how about we share our valentine stories until these two are awake?

Lance: i go first!!

Seb: sure!

Lance: we went out with chequito and it was so funny! Chequito was so cute in his little button up!!

Checo: lance looked super handsome in his suit! And our son kind of may have lanced some of his food through the restaurant...

Lando: omg! Chequito is such a legend!!

George: i love that kid!!

Alex: that would have been something i would have done as a kid...😏😂

Lance: now I'm curious about Esteban!!

Esteban: had some fun with Nando!

Lando: what kind if fun?

Nando: lots!

George: not gonna tell us?

Esteban: nope!

Nando: 😏 it was very good!

Kimi: glad to hear that, bwoah!

Lando: so did they have sex then?

Seb: of course we're talking about sex...

Esteban: 😁😏

Nando: now we want to know what happened with the cooking of Lando!

Lando: so yesterday i may have spoiled half of My surprise for Carlos...

Carlos: it was still very sweet!

Alex: so????

Lando: Carlos has been staying at my hoke for the last couple of weeks and he missed his family...

George: go on!

Lando: so i kind of called his dad to see if i could fly them over for Carlos...as my presents for him.

Carlos: that was not the entire present though!!

Lando: no it was not! 

Dan: well go on!! I wanna know!!

Lando: i got his mom to help me cook one of Carkos his fav food as she is the master of the kitchen and i wanted to surprise him with his mother's dinner and them being here!

Carlos: it was the best present, cariño!! Thank you!

Charles: so you had your entire family there?

Carlos: yeah! My mom, dad and sister!

Lando: he got me a McLaren lego scale model to build!!

Alex: cool!!

George: wait a fucking minute!!! Charles?

Charles: yeah?

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