44 max lives where?

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Pierre: Charles! Why did max open your door? And where the fuck are you??

Kimi: what?

Lando: max lives where?

Dan: wait!! Max you are at Charles' place?

Max: yeah...

Yuki: are you guys finally dating?

Lance: I'm eating my cap if they are!

Pierre: i have a better question...

Lando: what?

Carlos: what now?

Kimi: bwoah?

Pierre: why are max's cats in your apartment, Charles!?

Charles: because...👉🏻👈🏻

Seb: because what?

Max: ...

Dan: max?

Charles: fyi!! We are NOT dating!!

Max: seeing how we always are at each other's house...

Charles: we decided that max just should move in with me...because i have the bigger house and i was getting lonely in my house...

Max: so we're selling some of my stuff and the stuff we wanna keep gets moved tomorrow to his apartment...

Lance: shame you guys are not dating...lucky me! I don't have to eat my cap!!

Lando: and you call me and Carlos idiots!!

Dan: just go fucking date!!

George: max lives where??😱😱

Checo: so that's why you're not at the factory?

Max: maybe...

Nando: wait! You are not dating Charles but you're in love with him and now also living with him?

Charles: kind of...

Max: jupp!

Esteban: you guys sharing a bed?

Max: nope!

Charles: he's got his own bedroom with his cats!

Max: i thought you said our cats?

Charles: right. Our cats but they sleep in max's room!

Lando: what are the names of the cats?

Charles: Jaws and Simba...

Max: i came with Jaws because that cat constantly bites us...

Charles: i came up with simba because that cat is like constantly following Max everywhere and seeing how he is the lion on track and he sees the cats as his kids it was only suitable...

Val: 😂 amazing!

Carlos: i would have expected max to come up with Simba and not you charles!

Lewis: a biting cat named Jaws! Suitable for a cat...

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