60 a thing.

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Charles: max and i did a thing...

Seb: what now?

Lando: what thing?

Carlos: I'm sure it involves something stupid...

Kimi: don't tell me you guys got another cat!

Nando: the lack of max texting gives me the idea that they had a fight...

Max: no! We're good! Our relationship is perfect...

Lando: then what??

Nando: then what?

Alex: you guys didn't get married without us!!

Charles: no we're not married! Be bare are even together!!

Mick: you guys have been together for longer then it has been officially!!

Nikita: did you guys murder someone?

Val: and need our help to hide the body??

Dan: we can bury it in Australia!!

Toni: no one will find it there!!

Max: what?! No one died!!

Kimi: bwoah...better not!

Lando: then what??

Checo: is it stupid worthy?

Charles: depends on how you look at it...

Max: 😁

Seb: that smiley tells me it's stupid worthy!

Max: okay it may he a little!!🤏🏻🤏🏻

Lewis: can you guys tell us or what?

Kimi: yeah? I got a baby to feed!

Seb: why aren't you??

Kimi: because you're at the grocery store to get the baby formula..,

Seb: right...stupid me!

Charles: welcome to the squad!!

Nando: now the reason why you were texting!!

Charles: right! Max and i bought a home away from Monaco...

Kimi: that's not stupid worthy, that's just congrats on the home!! 🎉🎉

George: that's so cool!!

Lance: what does it look like and where???

Pierre: is it in France??

Lando: England??

Mick: Switzerland?? Germany??

Lance: Canada??

Nikita: Hawaii??

Charles: uhm all of them are a no!

Alex: Belgium!! Max's home country??

Max: not Belgium but it is my home country!!

Kimi: holland??

Charles: jupp!! It's called Noord-Holland!!!

Max: bergen aan zee...

Mick: the what??

Charles: the place is bergen aan zee!!

Lando: where is that??

Max: North-Holland!

Seb: just fucking look it up on google maps, you idiots!

Charles: even our cats are smarter than that!!

Lando: what does the house look like??


Max: the house away from Monaco!

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Max: the house away from Monaco!

Charles: when we want to be alone and not get recognised all the time!!

Kimi: nice place kids!!

Nando: I'm coming over once you guys kind of moved in!

Lando: that's a big house!!

Nicky: how many rooms does it have?

Max: four bedrooms, five bathrooms and eight guest rooms...

Carlos: so we can all come over??

Max: jupp and the house party is Saturday!!

Kimi: we want to be there but we need to find a babysitter!

Charles: the house is so big! She can have her own room and you guys bring a baby phone!

Max: we're not gonna turn it into a night club! Just dinner and some drinks but no loud party!

Seb: then we will be there with Giselle!

Lance: we will bring chequito!!

Checo: he misses uncle max!

Max: i miss my nephew too!!!

Nicky: cool!!

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