13: airing day

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I sobbed for a very long time last night, after hurling knives at the tentative thread of friendship that began to blossom between Jisung and I.

My reason for doing it? Unbeknownst even to me.

Something inside of me stirred awake. A part of me I'd gladly trade, for it only brings pain and unwanted misfortune. Therefore, I had to cut any opening, any sort of loophole that invited a possibility for those thought processes to occur.

I embody the hollow, emotionless approach once more. A cold-hearted, arrogant asshole who doesn't care for anybody, and for whom nobody cares.

But now is not the time to be getting tangled up again in my thoughts. What's done is done.

And maybe it's for the best - Jisung and I only have to interact during the course of this drama, so I'm simply making it much, much easier to part ways once this is all over.

But is that what you really want?

Shut up.

I rise out of bed, shaking my head vigorously, as if i expect my unrelenting (and blatantly irritating) thoughts to fall out. My mind shines a spotlight upon them in a way that cannot be ignored, but I push them down as far as I can for now.

For today is airing day.

The first two episodes of Love to Hate You are finally being shown on television.

To say I'm nervous would be the understatement of the century, particularly because my father insisted on watching it with me. Jongin even said he'd be waiting for it's release, so he can download it to watch on the plane to wherever he's performing next.

I check the time on my phone as I head towards the fridge, spotting my dad at the kitchen table.

"Only ten minutes to go!" He exclaims excitedly, the minute he catches sight of my sorry, sleep-ridden form. At least if my acting is horrible, I have one loyal supporter.

Despite hating the attention, my heart warms at the sight of his excitement. At the thought that he might become proud of something I've done, that I might have achieved something worth mentioning.

But I'm still apprehensive... I don't know if I'll cope well seeing his face on my television screen after what I said...

Sighing defeatedly, I join my dad on the couch and flick to the appropriate channel.

"Airing now for the first time, 'Love to Hate You'! Catch up with later episodes on these streaming platforms!"

I'm not going to enjoy this.


"C'monnn Sungie! It's startingggg!"

Jeongin shakes me out of my daze, causing me to finally break eye contact with the apple I've been mindlessly surveying as I zone out.

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