30: please don't hide

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All I can do is stare in shock, my anxiety intensifying with every passing minute that Jisung doesn't emerge from the bathroom.

He's gotten it all wrong.

My heart aches at the thought of my past mistakes affecting him so much so that he would come to such a conclusion.

Hating Han Jisung was the worst decision of my life.

I called Changbin as soon Jisung left, not even caring to pull myself out of my panicked state. Thankfully, Changbin isn't one to judge.

All it took was "Jisung", "crying" and "second floor bathrooms" before he was telling me he'd be there in a minute and hanging up.

He's been in there with Jisung now for a long time, though all I've heard is my co-star's sobs and a couple whispers of what I assume is comforting words from Changbin.

I want to be the one comforting him... though he probably doesn't want to speak to me ever again.

I look up wearily at the sounds of footsteps approaching, foolishly hoping it could be Jisung making his way out of the bathroom. Instead, I'm met with freckles, kind brown eyes and open arms.

I don't exactly know what compels me to throw myself into the arms of Lee Felix and cry, but before I know it that's exactly where I end up.

The more I sob, the more I hate how vulnerable I'm being around someone I barely even know, but it makes me understand why he's so close with Jisung.

I think Felix is probably the kindest person I've ever met.

Without saying a word, he rubs my back lightly until my breathing slows and I stop shaking, before pulling back slightly to push the strands of hair that have stuck to my face out of the way.

"Better?" He inquires, and I nod meekly.

He links arms with me before steering me away from the bathrooms, and I don't even look back. Maybe it's best that I'm away from Jisung for a little bit, though the thought of leaving him there in such a state is making my insides twist with worry.

The tiger is fast returning.

"He'll be ok." Felix seems to read my mind as he pats my shoulder briefly with the hand that isn't holding my arm.

So many thoughts crowd my mind, that I get the anxious need to expel them all at once. before I can stop myself, I'm blurting it all out like word vomit.

"I didn't mean to felix, I swear I would've kept my mouth shut if I knew he would-"

Felix shushes me.

"He's not in the right frame of mind right now. Have you been an ass? Yes, but I think you already know what you could have done better, so I'm not going to berate you for it. He just doesn't want to feel what he feels, because he think it's too good to be true after how much energy you guys have put in pretending to hate each other."

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