33: whoops!

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My insides churn slightly, an uneasy feeling settling in my stomach as I click on the link Hyunjin sent me in our instagram group chat.

There was no explanation; not a single indication of what this link was for.

Either I'm going to get rickrolled or the critics are at my dad's throat again for existing next to Jongin

The website loads as slowly as one could possibly load, and I drum my fingers intensely on the bedside table beside me in an impatient march.

Jisung was acting strangely today.

I couldn't help but feel a tiny little pang of disappointment at the thought of him hanging out with someone else. Especially after that expression he pulled at the mere mention of them.

Did he even realize how lovestruck he looked?

I want to know who this 'old friend' of his is. I want to meet him. The desperation to know is consuming my every thought, which I sincerely do not appreciate.

The website finally loads, and it's not a rickroll.

It's not about my father.

Nor jongin.

Nor me.


Jisung sits across from a hunky stranger, the brightest smile lighting up his face as he holds a slice of pizza in his hand. Whoever took the photo seems to have caught him mid-laugh.

He looks beautiful.

What doesn't look as nice is the fact that the seat opposite him is occupied by someone so much more attractive than me.

Not only that, they're sitting in the pizza shop I suggested.

It kinda hurts.

Before I know it, I'm dialing the first number I can think of.

"On a scale from one to ten... how hot do you think I am?"

An exhausted sigh crackles out through my phone speakers.

"I have a boyfriend."

"That's not the point Hyun. Also Min, don't even try to hide, I heard you whispering just before."

I hear a small noise of surprise, before Seungmin's voice joins Hyunjin's.

"Are you alright?"

I falter, unsure of how to answer that.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you by sending that link. I just wondered if you knew who the guy was in the photo, 'cause those two seem to be really comfortable with each other."

I sigh at my best friend's words.

"It's alright hyun. Frankly, I didn't expect I'd get so easily jealous either. It's not like Jisung didn't tell me who he had plans with."

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