19: advice

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"Jisung? Minho? We're getting you out of there now! Stand back from the doors!"

Minho and I break apart, eyes flicking between each other and the floor as an awkward tension settles in the air.

"Okay!" I call out in confirmation, breathless. My voice cracks a little, and I feel myself blush furiously.

The second we're lifted out of the elevator, Jinyoung and Yonghee rush forward to get our styling done, hurrying us in separate directions down the corridor. I don't look back at Minho, I'm far too embarrassed to meet his eye right now.

I quickly change into my TMT uniform, transforming once more into Moon Yunseo.

As soon as I sit down in front of the vanity, my eyes widen in horror. My lips are insanely red and swollen... I pray to god Jinyoung doesn't notice.

"So, it seems someone had fun in the elevator after all? I was worried you two would kill each other."


"Don't worry!" He continues mischievously, "I won't tell Jinki his plan worked. He asked that we wait half an hour before we even called the fire brigade. Said you guys had something you need to talk about and well, it seems I owe Yonghee fifteen thousand won now."

He smiles wistfully in the direction Yonghee dragged Minho, meanwhile my blood boils. Jinki left us that long in the elevator on purpose?! Oh, how I wish I were able to give him a piece of my mind for once.

Fuming, I fall silent as Jinyoung finishes doing whatever the hell it is he does that makes my face look so good.

"Go grab something from the cafeteria before you start, alright? Just... please be careful with your makeup!" Jinyoung suggests, and I smile at him briefly before storming off to find my best friends.

"FELIX. CHANGBIN. HELP." I bellow as I enter the cafeteria.

Changbin is the first of the two I spot, frozen in place with a sandwich half sticking out of his mouth as he was in the middle of walking back to his table. My eyes then travel to Felix, who is already looking at me with mild concern.

Thank the lord for my best friends.

I rush over to them and make myself at home right away, throwing my phone onto the table dramatically as I prepare to explain everything that just happened.

I notice a few cast members casting curious glances in our direction, almost as if they're ready to eavesdrop at any moment.

I ignore them and lean in, gesturing for my friends to do the same.

"As you know, Min-dumbass-hoe and I just got stuck in an elevator for like an hour and a half. And it was pretty damn boring if I do say so myself."

"And you're telling us things we already know, why? Did something happen?"

Shit. I'd hoped Felix wouldn't notice if I didn't tell the entire story.

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