27: first sight

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Something must be wrong with me.

I just can't stop staring.

Why does today of all days have to be the day Lee Minho finally attracts my attention for something other than being the biggest annoyance on the planet? It's really not fair that he gets to look so attractive and yet in reality is such a pompous prick.

What makes it worse, is that today he's also acting strangely... and not being an asshole? I pinch my arm subtly, but when the sting comes back to bite me I'm forced to realize that I'm indeed awake.

Suddenly, a hand ghosts across my back cheekily and I flinch at the ticklish sensation.

"You gonna get out of my car, Ji?"

Shit. Chan just witnessed that entire thing, didn't he?

"Yeah, yeah," I mutter, barely even acknowledging him as I shut the door in his face, still dazed and very much confused.

Again, I reiterate - something must be wrong with me.

Help is needed. Help is very much needed.

Why is Minho walking over to me with an expression that may just reflect my own?

What is going on?

He reaches me in seconds and I look around warily, trying to see if I can pretend to be in deep conversation with Chan... but I meet his eyes through the windscreen of his car as he pulls away from the curb, a smug smile adorning his face.

Yet again, he is useless.

Sighing, I turn back to face my co-star and almost fall over as I realize how close his face is to mine. His eyes shimmer as he has a soft look on his face, and he giggles a little at my painfully obvious moment of panic.

Though I don't think he realizes it, his hands come out to steady me, resting on my shoulders for a brief moment before he clears his throat a little, not wanting to meet my eyes.

Is he...blushing?!

Dear god, what is going on with the world today?

The tension between us only thickens, as I begin to wish that he'd kept his hands on my shoulders just a little longer. Maybe he'd steady my heartbeat as well as my balance.

I decide to break the silence, as it becomes clear very quickly that Minho doesn't know what to say to me, though I can't understand what's suddenly changed.

"Uh... hi Minho?" I start, cringing inwardly at the nervous croak my voice has.

"O-oh um, hey Jisung! I just uh-, how was- um... how was your week?" He responds shyly - yes, you heard that right, Minho responded shyly.

This is beginning to freak me out.

Not only is he being unusually nice to me, he's also acting shy around me?! Whatever pills he's taken, I wanna get me some of those, because damn he's different today.

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